Tag Archives: Tips Tuesday

Tips Tuesday – World Water Day


Many people who are aware of HHDS being the first Eco Friendly salon, spa and energy space.  Whenever we offer a tour to our new clients we explain the following:


Welcome to HHDS! Kitchener Waterloo’s First Eco Friendly Salon Spa and Energy space

We offer full hair , skin and energy services in a safer atmosphere for you, our staff and the planet.  The following products and services will explain how.

We use Eufora hair care products which uses 70-80% certified organic Aloe gel, instead of water, as their product base. So, this really allows the products to heal and renew the cells on your scalp and hair.  Aloe also is a natural preserving agent. The products are also infused with botanical ingredients and pure essential oils, and contain no harmful chemicals.  The company who manufacturers it boasts a zero foot print impact on the planet!

HHDS is our own label for shampoos and conditioners. We’re proud to say it is Canadian made and uses certified organic and fairtrade ingredients, and being that they are in glass jars, infinitely refillable for only $18.  We offer an unscented shampoo and conditioner in this line.  Not only are our products organically derived but they boast no parabens, sulfates, artificial colours or dyes.

We are excited to launch Worlsd Hair Care line which contain natural organic ingredients, are left as unaltered as possible, virtually no scent AND it’s Canadian!

Our polish line, Zoya, is the longest wearing natural polish there is. It’s a 4-free , toluene, formaldehyde, DBP and Camphor free vegan formula and does not contain the harsh chemicals typically found in nail polishes.  Stainless Steel Bowls with no jets in the pedi area provide Bacteria free worry free indulgence.

Most recently added is Holistic Energy healing services and certification programs, like Crystal Grid Therapy, Reiki and Shambala,  Reflexology, Electromagnetic Therapy, Body Talk, Holistic Life Caching and Energy Psychology.

Our Mineral Make Up line is proudly Canadian!. We love FitGlow because it’s a mineral make-up, so there are no biological ingredients in the formula, which means there’s also no need for preservatives. It’s also a natural UV protector due to the content of Zinc.

We use the RVB Holistic products on the face and body. Similar to our other product lines, RVB does not contain harmful chemicals-they have found a way to bind the water molecules to the other ingredients- because the free water molecule in a product are what causes bacteria. So by doing this they are able to use less preservatives, and the ones they do use are fruit & vegetable derived. And their ingredients are Fair Trade certified organic.

Here, you can see our colour line, by Anew. Anew is great because you can colour your hair without being afraid of damaging it. It uses natural pigments and antioxidants to prevent damage, it’s ammonia free, and it contains Quartz powder, which actually encourages a really healthy shine.  All of this means healthier safer hair services with no fumes and sensitivity on the scalp!

We like being able to multi-use our zones, to reduce our footprint as much as possible.  We are truly Loyal to our environment and our guests not a brand so if we find something safer to use in our space we switch out after we test it for effectiveness.  We use our refillable glass jars in the back as well have re purposed furniture and items from the REstore to reduce our footprint too!  notice our compost and burlap bag hair receptacles there- Because we’re a part of the ‘Green Circle Salons’- instead of dumping our waste in the garbage, they pick up our leftover foils and hair clippings, and deliver them to manufacturers of eye glass frames, furniture, light fixtures and ceiling fans. We run on Bullfrog energy as well, which is all wind and solar derived energy.  We also use Norwex and Enjyo cleaning products in our space.

We really like to support the community- so every year we choose a school to donate a tree to. Every April during Earth week we participate in a Community garbage clean-up.  So we hope you’re just as excited as we are about supporting the community and the environment and using the best natural products out there!

We make this general knowledge not just to prove our commitment but to encourage others to do everything they can to become more mindful of their impact on the environment too.

The following tips were taken from the Nature Conservatory site, Check it out here and learn  how you can support them and ensure safer water for all! http://www.nature.org/ourinitiatives/habitats/riverslakes/help/

  1. Run washing machines & dishwashers only when they’re full. Large loads = less water used. And save energy by turning off the auto-dry setting and letting your dishes dry naturally.
  2. Keeping a timer in your bathroom will help you take a shorter shower. And please turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth. All that perfectly clean tap water is just going down the drain.
  3. Turn off lights and unplug chargers. Water is used in all forms of energy generation. It can take over 4 gallons of water to keep a 60-watt light bulb lit for 12 hours.
  4. Use biodegradable cleaning products. The water that goes down your drains will eventually flow into streams and bays.
  5. Skip meat for one meal a week. It can take about 600 gallons of water to produce a hamburger. (Think of all the grain that’s grown to feed the cattle.)

5 Simple Things You Can Do Online

  1. Use social media to spread the word about the need to save water and save our water sources. Challenge your friends to match the actions you take.
  2. Find out where your water comes from and urge others to do the same. Knowledge is power.
  3. Use social media to ask your favorite brands what they’re doing to reduce their water use and their impacts on water sources.
  4. Donate to support a community project that helps protect water for people and nature.
  5. Take our water pop quiz! Don’t worry; it’s more fun than the SATs. Knowing more about your water source and consumption habits will make you a stronger steward for water conservation.

5 Simple Things You Can Do Outside

  1. Plant a tree in your yard or a friend’s yard. Trees help keep soil in place – rather than flowing into our streams and lakes – and help slow water down, reducing flooding and enabling more rainwater to trickle down into groundwater supplies.
  2. Take these steps to reduce your impact when it comes to your own yard and lawn:
    • Water your lawn or garden in the morning or the evening when the water will evaporate less rapidly. Adjust sprinklers to avoid the pointless watering of sidewalks or paved areas.
    • Sweep patios and sidewalks rather than hosing them, which wastes water and carries contaminants into freshwater systems.
    • Limit pesticide use. Pesticides are the only substances we intentionally introduce into our environment to kill living things, and besides being potentially dangerous to people, pets and wildlife, they’ll eventually be carried into our freshwater supply by runoff.
  3. Make sure your hiking gear is free of plant matter when you head out into nature. Seeds of invasive plant species can hitch a ride on boots. Invasive species can cause many water problems, including absorbing more water than native species and sending erosion and bacteria into rivers and lakes.
  4. Volunteer for a stream-clean up or wetland restoration event.
  5. Take someone on a hike near a river or lake – or better yet, get in or on the water – swimming, kayaking, canoeing, etc. People protect things they care about.

Who better the David Suzuki to explain how we must not take for granted access to clean water:


Enjoy World Water Day and make it a daily refrence for you and your family!

From Erin and all of our HHDS Eco Stewards!

Tips Tuesday – Happy 80th Birthday David Suzuki!

David Suzuki

Everyone knows we are K-W’s First Eco Friendly Salon, Spa and Energy Space.  But do they understand why?  Every knows I have started a new company called ‘The Institute For Harmonious Living’ , but do they know why?

I grew up watching The Nature of Things.  I loved it, it was one of my favorite shows, it was the 80’s version of Kratts Creatures!  As I have grown up with David I have witnessed a transformation in him.  He started out curious, became aware and concerned about our impact on the planet and then started doing something about it.  This brings me back to the ‘whys’ I listed earlier.  I started out curious, ended up waking up from our cultural pablum we are served and then had to do something about it.  Not feeling good at work myself made me realize there had to be something wrong with products I was using.  It had to be making me feel that way, so then what was it doing to my clients, my water, my planet?  As I become more educated It became more and more clear someone had to do something?!  There were other people like me who simply ‘Trusted’ that someone, somewhere was regulating the things we used, bought, ate, slathered on our skin.  Right?  So by becoming more aware, more educated I became empowered, and I followed where it led me.  To create HHDS.  But it didn’t stop there, I realized as I’m sure David Suzuki did when his daughter complained as a child that ‘they might as well give up cause the world was going to end anyway’, that it wasn’t enough to just make noise to draw attention to a concerning cause.  You have to educate others, motivate others through positive action and inspiring example.  And so The Institute OF Harmonious Living was born.  What’s the connection?  As I attempted to ‘make noise’ with the salon I recognized that people were too buys, too stressed, too numbed out to do anything more.  They figured well I’m recycling, isn’t that enough?  Why cant the big corporations do more?  (I do agree with that last one!) But in reality it takes each one of us to do more.  But if you are already in overwhelm, how can you muster the energy to take action?  Through Coaching, Public Speaking, and training others, I can assist each participant in better connecting to their own needs, and in turn connecting to the needs of others and in turn the planet.  Through Self Care awareness and a stronger understanding of how our minds work to create our reality, we can literally ‘Re’ Program ourselves to be healthier, happier and in turn more conscious of our impact on others and Mother Earth.

It came to my attention that David Suzuki is celebrating his 80th Birthday and what better way then to commit to doing more to make our planet healthier.  The following links will take to stories of David’s journey and to an amazing program to protect and preserve the planet and ALL of it’s inhabitants!  ENJOY!

Don’t forget to book your Coaching Sessions in now for the month of MARCH 20% off all coaching sessions with me!

Happy Birthday David!

happy birthday

Tips Tuesday – Look to the Stars!


I have always been fascinated by Astrology!  This past full moon was a doozy for me!  Lot’s of emotion and digging up old emotional wounds, so I looked into what is was all about, here was what I found, It completely confirmed what I had experienced!

The Full Moon on Monday 22 February 2016 is at 3 degrees Virgo, in Virgo decan 1. The full moon astrology shows a culmination of tension and conflict that has been building for months and in some cases years. Full Moon February 2015 is the final moon phase in an eclipse cycle which began in September 2015.

The February 22 full moon breaks open the extreme tension of Uranus square Pluto via a rare but powerful aspect pattern. Related to the Fist of God, or Thor’s Hammer, this newly named configuration gives the opportunity to release the anger and resolve any crisis.

To read the full article follow this link!  http://astrologyking.com/full-moon-february-2016/

solar eclipse

So I got thinking I should prepare for the next big shift and here it listed what to be prepared for!

The solar eclipse on Tuesday 8 March 2016 at 18°55′ Pisces falls in Pisces decan 2. The solar eclipse astrology focuses on the healing of a deep wound in your soul, represented by Chiron alongside the solar eclipse. It may be an old or new wound affecting your body, mind or spirit. Growing pains due to challenging aspect from Jupiter and Saturn are relieved by the recuperative and evolving power of Pluto. Freedom from pain allows for a spiritual transformation, the evolution of your soul.

The major theme of solar eclipse March 2016 therefore relates to a deep wound in your soul. This could be some existing physical or emotional pain, but may also indicate a new wound received following this eclipse. Other aspects in the solar eclipse March 2016 astrology chart and the lunar eclipse in two weeks time will give more detail about the nature of your wound and the healing process.

Both Chiron and Constellation Aquarius have the new age feel about them. The wounding/healing may manifest physically or emotionally but will involve a spiritual component, especially during healing. Your new start or new goals may involve natural or alternative methods but also new breakthroughs in science and technology. Air travel and the Internet have a part to play in both wounding through the spread of disease, and healing through information sharing.

Your wounding and healing journey could be in response to dramatic changes in global weather which are affecting our bodies and souls in way we cannot even image. The story of Chiron will be further understood in relation to the transition of healing from medicine, to hands, to the mind and ultimately to purely spiritual healing.

To read the full article follow this link! http://astrologyking.com/solar-eclipse-march-2016/

Last night I held an awesome workshop about ‘The writing On Your Wall’, understanding how your past is etched into you and how it can manipulate reality now and sabotage your clear thinking and experiencing of your life.  These Astrological shifts can be harsh at times, understanding what is Written On YOUR Wall can help you see the lessons instead of being blinded by the pain of past experiences.  Becoming aware of why you do what you do and learning how to counter balance your ‘reactive ‘ behavior with a more mindful consciousness.  This approach makes big energy shifts like those from Astrological impacts less and easier to navigate.

To get a better understanding of what is Written on Your Wall, Pop in for this March Special 20% off All Holistic Life Coaching Sessions!


Tips Tuesday – C/O Institute For Harmonious Living, Part of The Problem or Part of The Solution?

There will always be a problem or challenge or injustice for someone somewhere.  The latest ability to raise awareness is social media. Accurate or not, it is one of the most effective ways to share information.  However I will be suggesting here that what we now know about energy transference, perhaps we are adding to the Problem more then the Solution?  Some people will recognize my favorite poem here:

The Responsibility Poem – Charles Osgood

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.

Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.

Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job.

Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it.

It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody

when Nobody did

what Anybody could have done

One of my many collections of favorite quotes and inspiring thoughts is the following:  Mother Theresa never joins an ‘Anti-War’ Rally or ‘Anti-Racism’ Rally, she would always join ‘Pro-Peace’ or ‘Pro-Love’ Rallies though.  Do you see the difference?

I have been told by many people disdainfully that I am an overly sensitive person, or too lovey dovey or too forgiving or just too soft.  But here’s the thing we all have a purpose and that is mine.  I am also a ‘Fixer’, this combination is dangerous!  I see injustice, pain, havoc, unrest and I look for ways to assist, Heck that’s how I ended up opening KW’s First Eco Friendly Salon and Spa!  I recently posted on facebook a question to my friends, ‘We Have History Class, Why Not Future Class, Where Kids Discuss, Brainstorm and in General Manifest Amazing Future Inventions, And Solutions For Economic Problems, Eco Problems and Racial Issues, Among Other Global Imbalances?’

hugging cow

I recently was exposed to two videos on facebook, no doubt they were accurately depicting some farmer somewhere executing horrific acts upon animals, calves to be exact, many of you are probably familiar with this/these video(s). (For some balanced clarity I was raised on a farm where animals were respected and handled with earnest care)  I have not finished viewing it either time I was exposed to it.  You see I can’t, I am physically negatively impacted by it, emotionally negatively impacted by it, psychologically negatively impacted by it.  Just as I was before I made the efforts to start HHDS.  So I ask the makers of these videos, what is the motivation behind the videos?  Did you contact the proper authorities?  Is this just sensationalism?  If this is in an effort to create change has anyone done anything or do we think we are saving animals by sharing the video, because we are not.  There is a responsibility that we have to our fellow human being, our fellow species, our friendly planet that ‘allows’ us to inhabit it’s surface.  I understand many who get ovewhelmed, I have felt that way thiking, what could i possibly do?  I’m just one person.  I have and still do feel that way sometimes, but then I read the previous poems and quotes.  If YOU don’t WHO WILL?

So let’s look at the energy behind the spreading of negative comments, videos or statements.  Not everyone would agree here thinking that everyone should enjoy the freedom of speech.  How does it make the ‘Sharer’ feel?  What is their motivation?  Are they doing enough to help?  Are they continuing their efforts to help after the video is sent?  Think of that negative feeling shared by the new watcher?  The process your mind, emotions and then the triggers of fight or flight the body experiences.  We now understand that the body sends out chemicals that are meant to only be expelled during a violent attack to fight off or flee from the perpetrator.  What then does this person do to assist the victims portrayed in the video?  I’m not just talking about Calves (animals), but Immigrants, suppressed minorities, children, individuals with mental illness.  We have UnPlugged while Plugging in more to technology, becoming more and more desensitized.  We think that by ‘Informing’ people, that ‘Informing alone’ is enough.  It’s not, this is a luxury we can no longer relax into ignorance blindly.  The Planet and all of it’s inhabitants NEED YOU.  Not someone else, YOU.

What will you choose to be?  Part of the Problem?  Or Part of the Solution?


Problem: Mistreatment of Cattle/Livestock

Solution: Compile a list of local (Preferably Organic) farmers that treat their livestock with care and respect and offer sales to the community directly and share this list on social media.  Attempt to contact either the person who originally recorded the video to see if the animals have been rescued, if not seek out local authorities.  Done.

If you are like me and find yourself very sensitive and suffer from anxiety witnessing the pain of the world, trust me the pain , and collective guilt of being part of the problem subsides as soon as you take action and be part of the Solution!  This Positive action step on your personal part is so empowering and relieves the anxiety as you lead others by example, creating greater and greater consciousness in others too!  Next time you see something you know is wrong, you feel is not right, you recognize in your heart and soul is against humanity, be the change, pick up the phone, contact the authorities, stop the spread of fear and pain that perpetuates more fear and pain.

 What would Mother Theresa do?

 What will you do?

multi cultural

Tips Tuesday – ReAcquaint Yourself with our ‘Green” Family and check out some of their latest work!

ReAcquaint Yourself with our ‘Green” Family and check out some of their latest work!


Many of you know the lovely Elena, who has been with me since before the birth of HHDS!  She partnered with me and my Daughter Morgan Minnick who has begun training to become a licenced stylist for our latest photo shoot! Some may recognize Morgan as the Original ‘Face’ of HHDS, but this time she was behind the camera, it looks like my Daughter Emma has taken her place in front of the camera!  LOL!  We showcase their work here…


ElenaMorgan Minnick Now this..IMG_20151213_1129399~2

Elena and Morgan




We have been excited to expand our Green Family to include, Lea as a Styling Apprentice, She also offers Aroma Therapy Services, Crystal Healing, Reiki and Astrology Birth Charts!  Kim has joined our team as an Esthetician offering full skin  services especially loving Massage and Attuned in Reiki as well!


Lea Wrightkim fischer

Lea and Kim




Of course many of you know and love our Jenna who also worked with Elena for this shoot!  Jenna has really honed her skills this year and shows off great enthusiasm with one of her favorite services, braiding!  She is also really enjoying extreme coloring , samples of which we will display for you soon!


Jenna and Elena




Of course I always get a little carried away!  And Why Not?!  Shoots are meant to be creative and fun so off I went to the extreme LOL!

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Was it fun?  HELL YA!  We love what we do, and it shows!  We do these Photo Shoots To remind everyone that GREEN IS SEXY!  Also many people claim that Eco Products don’t work as well, well, we have proven that statement wrong as well!  We get outstanding Colour, Ammonia Free, amazing hold, with 70%-80% Aloe Vera first Hair cleansing and styling products, gorgeous glossy Polish shades and Shellacs that last!

I want to thank all of our models who participated and braved the chilly air to get these shots, you were outstanding and it was worth the discomfort to get such amazing Fall Colors as our natural back drop!  Watch for more fun Eco-Shoots coming again soon!

Like some of these looks?  Book in for Holiday Hair and Skin as well as Energy treatments to help you keep your sanity throughout the Holiday Season!



Tips Tuesday – Radio Silence! Ooops! Tuning Back in!

radio static

Tips Tuesday – Radio Silence! Ooops! Tuning Back in!

Wow!  It’s been a wild ride for a few weeks!  I tend to be a pretty intense person.  I don’t just ASK how you are doing I want to know every detail, why you feel that way and how we can improve it!

 So what happens when the wires cross, the station loses connection, you go off the tracks, you get the idea.  This is what happened to me! It happens to everyone once in a while!  It turns into a crazy downward spiral as your thoughts get the best of you, how everyone and everything has done you wrong, how victimized you feel, how everything you touch turns to s#!%.  Well I rode that train now for a couple weeks, getting so distracted I found myself forgetting my own skills and tools to redirect, rebalance and reboot myself.  I am so grateful though, because through all of this I was reminded of how easy it is to fall back into old traits old behaviors.  It reminded me of how easy it is to get back on the right track too, adding that people who have never found their right flow can easily find it with guidance.  It reminded me of the negative thought patterns that can try to convince you that you are stuck, hopeless, helpless, and alone, that are all lies, but seem quite convincing at the time when your frequency is low.

It was a succession of family emergencies, a fall inducing great physical pain, a busy season for HHDS, efforts to maintain two businesses with The Institute For Harmonious Living and then the inevitable Technology failure.  Two websites inaccessible at once.  Dunt Dunt Duuuuuuuh.  For my overwhelmed system it was all too much and tight chest, bad eating habits, lack of sleep, fight and flight, physical pain from the fall all began to ensue the onslaught of depression and grief began.  Reminding me of the loss of my father, the distance from family, the efforts in vain to keep two buisnesses floating.  I even started noticing a cold trying to sneak in the back door!  So what did I do?????  You won’t bevel it.  You ready?…….


I got a long over due hair cut, a pedicure, I had a long soak in a Himalayan salt and baking soda bath, I wore crystals EVERYWHERE, used essential oils, meditated, did EFT in the shower, did yoga, started juicing, got re inspired through links to Mindvalley, and did a couple of angel card readings just for me, while reminding myself of all of the tools I had at my disposal to be well and stay well.  How empowering.  Not once did I have to reach outside of myself to feel better.  If anything when I did indulge that lower vibration addict to share my grief and complain during breif weak moments the whoa-is-me story, it actually made me feel worst.

So no, there is no magic pill to feel/get better.  But it doesn’t cost anything once you have mastered the basics in self care, and you don’t have to make an appointment with a Dr and get a prescription or even leave the house.  There are so many tools at your disposal, and you can build on your tool kit by learning Reiki, reading self care books you are intuitively drawn to, by finding Alternative Health Care practitioners and service providers like HHDS to offer you Reiki infused services that can enhance your empowerment self care tool kit!

Now don’t get me wrong, I believe in daily regimens to keep a person balanced and strong, and for the most part unshakable, however life doesn’t always throw the same patterns at you, sometimes everything happens at once and even the most seasoned self care guru can be toppled.  This is a good reminder of how we are all equal, and human.

I shared this vulnerable Tips Tuesday because I know better then anyone the emotional impact events in our lives can have, how seasons can affect us, how feeling hopeless can feel like a bottomless pit.  Before I attained Reiki Level one and opened HHDS my reality was very different from now, I did not have the tools and skills to bring myself out. Strangely from the outside my life could have looked rather perfect to many while on the inside storms brewed!  But from that helpless place I found hints here and there to stash away for a later day when it would be useful again to me, and now to you, through our services at HHDS and the Coaching, Workshops and Certification Programs to empower you through The institute For Harmonious Living, (instituteforharmoniousliving.com)

My goal is to show you and your family that there are options, there is hope and illness in all of it’s forms, mind, body and spirit, are more then just manageable.  Your reality really is in your hands and as each person recognizes this, the implications on the world is profound healing and peace.

WE here at HHDS and at the Institute For Harmonious Living are here for you to begin your own Self Care Healing journey.  If I can do it anyone can!  Are you ready?



calm listening

mental health week #1

Archive Tips Tuesday November

Tips Tuesday – How We Have Let Men Down!


How We Have Let Men Down

‘Guys Don’t Do stuff Like That!’

‘That Stuff Is For Girls’

‘I Don’t Need To Do Stuff Like That’

HHHMMM  You may be asking yourself what are these comments in response to.

Getting a Manicure, Pedicure or Facial, even sometimes Energy Work or a Massage.

dad pedidads facialdads manicure

For some this comes as no surprise as many still believe in the old outmoded way that these services include nail polish and flowery lotions and should only be for the weaker sex that ‘Need’ pampering to survive.

For a small percentage however, this comes as a shock as a growing amount of men and women are recognizing the need for men to begin integrating Self Care into their lives.  A new Label, ‘ManScaping’ has been thrown around, or even ‘MetroSexual’ Men.  I have my own label for it………….


Aside from a few obvious physical attributes that do not match everything about men and women in every other way does.  We all have the same Mental, Physical, and Emotional needs, this can not be denied, so why are we not attending to the very basic needs of our men and if anything chasitizng them for it?

In an effort for Women to find equality, Men seem to have gotten misplaced and caused to become off balance as they try to get their footing on what their ‘Role’ is.  It saddens me that where I celebrate the strength women have shown in almost fully gaining equality, yes I say Almost. Men have lost their way too, however where women tend to be more nurturing with each other as we find our way through the confusion,  men are still attempting to shake off the ‘Roles’ and ‘Belles’ they were raised with, with little to no support.

‘Boys should be tough’

‘Boys don’t cry’

‘All that hair and nail stuff is frew frew and girlie stuff’

‘Guys don’t ‘share’ their feelings, just shake it off dude’

‘It shows weakness to ‘Need’ anyone or anything’

‘It’s weak to show vulnerability, and BE vulnerable in a setting where someone else is nurturing them’

Why have we let our Testosterone counter parts down so?




I encourage you to read these articles to open your eyes to the startling reality that we as a culture have dropped the ball here.  I can not stress enough (Pun Intended) how important it is that we treat and educate our small boys and girls how immensely crucial it is that we teach equality from in the womb.  Many could fear this thinking our ‘Men’ are our strength and protection and if they become ‘soft’ will our culture fall apart?  I think this is old thinking, and unhealthy.  Many strong women (Including those currenlty serving our country in uniforms) would argue they do not ‘Need’ a man for strength or protection but ‘Choose’ to share their life with a man for mutual enjoyment and equality.

I think we are standing in new territory, so I invite you to look at our new culture as one where both sexes are strong, watch each others back through tough times, celebrate in the good times and can show a full spectrum of balanced emotions.  I believe that a man is equally capable of raising a family, and teaching his children culinary and domestic skills while instilling emotional and psychologically balancing traits to their off spring, equal to their counter parts.  I believe that women are equally as capable of ‘Bringin home the bacon’, Kicking ass and taking names and showing strength and fortitude in mentally, physically or emotionally challenging situations.

So let’s be real here.  If we are truly to be equal sexes, then we must observe this in all areas.  Let’s show our guys they deserve nurturing, not because it’s pampering, but because it’s maintenance.  It wouldn’t hurt some of our lady friends to recognize this for themselves too.  Anyone who has ever had any of the previously mentioned services will attest to the fact that it goes far deeper then the physical, which alone is scientifically proven to improve health, but healing the mind and emotions on far deeper levels.

So while you entertaining yet another tie for the Guy on your Christmas list this year…..Consider the gift of equality through desperately needed nurturing to our Masculine counter parts.


Just one more way we heal our planet and How………


BTW our $100 Gift Certificate Sale is on NOW!  Buy $100 in GC’s get a FREE $25 GC (expires March 2016)FREE !!

Tips Tuesday – Remembering Mind, Body, Spirit


Remembering Mind, Body, Spirit

– For the Mind –

This Friday From 7-8:30 Kerstin Kramer is offering a work shop using Essential Oils for Managing Moods and Stress, reserve a set as space is limited!  Only $10!

Learn more about your self and the challenges you can be mindful of through out your life, leading you to your ultimate purpose by having Lea compile information for your Astrology Birth Chart, 25% off for the month of Nov!

-For The Body-

Gorgeous New Eco Friendly Winter Artistic Shellac Shades JUST CAME IN!  Add An Application to your Mani or Pedi for only $20!

30 Min Body Talk Sessions with Cynthia only $20!

New Promo Day!  Stylin’ Saturdays only $20 per blow-dry for shoulder length or shorter $30 for long hair (Select Stylists)

November 26th Learn how using Essential Oils can Provide you with al you need to Raise Healthy Kids! Workshop by Kerstin Kramer guides you through Essential Oil use to maintain health and replace typical meds!  Only $10!

Nov 27th Create Hormonal Balance naturally with Essential Oils with Kerstin Kramer only $10

– For The Spirit –

Individual, Couples, and Group sessions available for Holistic Life Coaching.  Work thorough the challenges don’t run away the issues draw your attention to what needs to be healed within.  Call in for your first 30 mins FREE intro session for the month of November and December.  Looking for intense healing or want to help others by becoming a Certified Holistic Life Coach?  Sign up today $400/mth for 10 mths,  Includes private one on one weekly coaching/training sessions, homework and end of year exam.   2nd Year available for Energy Psychologist Certification as well!

Attain your Reiki Level Three! Or Master Level, with Kerstin Kramer Nov 28-29 9 am – 4pm Only $450

Always enjoy sample services, hand massages and a relaxing atmosphere!  We are here to support you Mind Body and Spirit!

Tips Tuesday – Tool Kit For Sustainable Stability


Tool Kit For Sustainable Stability

As many of you know, I chose to expand our HHDS services to incorporate holistic and energy services a couple years ago, and recently opened The Institute For Harmonious Living to yet again expand the impact we could have on the health, wellness and in turn over all health of the planet by assisting our community in finding balance one client at a time.  This approach has had HUGE results by giving sustainable skills and tools to clients to deal with anything that life might throw at them through a ‘W’-Holistic Life Coaching Approach!  Knowing that this time of year tends to increase anxiety and depression, this seemed like a good time to unveil this workshop to help empower you to over come these set backs with practical exercises to neutralize these negative emotions.

I’d like to invite you to a workshop I’m holding coming up for a wide variety of individuals,  anyone just learning about all of this to individuals who have been in the holistic and energy fields for a while.  No matter who you are, novice or veteran there is room for improvement and always room for new tools for a more balance life!

Tool Kit for Sustainable Stability

@ The Rock Spa Monday November 9th 7-9 $20

R.S.V.P Here: http://therockspa.com/Workshops-Classes-Events

Do you have trouble sleeping?

Are you wanting more positive relationship connections to your parents, or your children?

Are you attaining all of your career goals?

Do you wish you had a deeper connection to your partner?

Are you finding you are running out of hours in the day to meet all of your expectations?


These questions seem all quite random but in reality are all connected. Through a ‘W-Holistic’ Life Coaching approach all of these challenges become one. As you are connected to all things, and as what is within you is what you create outside of you, a seemingly ‘specific’ approach will not work. What I mean by ‘Specific’ is counselling to address your marriage as a specific issue, will not address the core root and will not ’solve’ the root problem. Career coaching may seem to make sense for your career but in reality it will not solve the core issues coming up inside you that created the exterior defection. Why you ask? Because EVERYTHING is connected. Your marriage affects your job, your job affects the relationship with your kids, and your lack of energy meeting every demand that comes at you lowers your energy even more and prevents you from being the best you, you can be. I will be discussing how understanding your programs, beliefs and roles you play in your relationships affect every experience you have, every relationship you have and how your life will unfold from this point forward. My goal is to finally and indefinitely give you back your power. Not by giving you tips on marketing your business, or how to ask your partner nicely to do the dishes, but to get to the very originating point of programed awareness that has created the imbalance within YOU in the first place.

Come join me for an introduction to an active approach to your own inner work that will empower you by giving you the TOOLS and SKILLS to overcome ANY obstacle that ever comes your way while enjoying relationships and experiences that truly feed your soul.

Erin Kiers,

Holistic Life Coach and Energy Psychologist.

Owner of:

Institute of Harmonious Living, 519-404-6627


Hybrid Hair and Detox Spa 519-886-8624


Before you go enjoy this list of simple tools to begin your journey, and prep for our gathering next Tuesday

Breathing Meditation

Put your hand on your stomach and take a deep breath while blowing your tummy up like a balloon

after two practice breathes put your other hand on your ribs and repeat inflate your tummy and chest noticeably and with intention

Next move your tummy hand to your chest keeping your other hand on your ribs and take two more breathes while noticeably raising your chest.

**Most people do not breath correctly this exercise increase your ability to feed your body with wonderful clean air.  This will help energize you if you are low and it calms you if you are stressed.  A great technique to use before bed or in place of the naughty afternoon snack!


Every morning use your journal to set your intention for the day using positive words and focusing on te good you wish to share with the world.  Writing this down allows you to become reminded throughout the day of the positive commitment you have made to your self and those around you.

At the end of your day, journal about anything knocking around in your head, also use this time to reflect on things you wish to improve for the next day in a non judgmental but observant approach.  End your journaling for the night with gratitude for wonderful experiences throughout your day and life in general.  Always end with positivity!


Tips Tuesday – Slow Down


Rush, Rush , Rush, Hustle and Bustle!  This Time of year is notorious for stress and pressure.  On top of the regular expectations come a boat load more, baking, cooking, parties, engagements, deadlines, shopping, decorating, when does it end!

The sad thing is we get so busy and stressed we forget, or simply become impervious, to the joy of the season.  Let’s get back to the root of it.  Spending quality time with those who matter most.  So….Make a list of the people who mean the most, book them in first, make a list of the absolutely most important things you feel would bring the most Joy to your heart and those of your spouse and children, then say “No” to everything else.  Notice I didn’t say make a list of things you “Have” to or “Should ” do?  There are no should’s or have to, except for the ones you put on yourself.  This is going to be an all new experience for you!  One where you give yourself permission to just “BE”!  Live in the moment, squeeze out joy of every moment.  If you are not, you are not “Doing ” the Holidays right.

So if you enjoy baking, do it , if you don’t , don’t do it.  If you enjoy baking with the kids but not the 300 squares and cookies you felt you had to so last year just do the baking with the kids.  Take back your power, take back your joy for the season.  Christmas cards are another one, some people think they “Should” do them, others have given up long ago.  Do you enjoy the process?  Is it a time you enjoy reconnecting with loved ones, if so then Go Nuts!  If you see it as a dreaded task staring at you from your desk, LOSE IT!  Maybe you’re just too busy but you like the idea of keeping in touch!  Type out a letter on your computer and customize it for each individual with the basics covered for each person, print it off and send it in the New Year instead!  Who says it has to be sent by Dec 25th?

Live your life on your terms!  What keeps us in distress is doing things we feel obligated to do.  think of all the glorious quality time you would have with your closest loved ones if you cut out the fat from your Holiday experience.  You don’t have to single handedly execute the essential Holiday events for everyone.  It’s your Holiday too!  You’re Children and your spirit will thank you and you will finally have the pleasant Holiday memories all those old black and white movies tell us about!!

This is ME giving YOU permission to Truly and Authentically Enjoy the Holiday season ON YOUR TERMS!  For more empowering strategies I encourage you to come visit me @ HHDS for a Holistic Health and Wellness, Life Coaching Session!


Happy Holiday Anticipation!

Erin Kiers, Owner





Purchase $100 in Gift Certificates and Receive a $25 Gift Certificate to keep or give away for FREE!!

Tons of amazing “Treat Yourself” Products

Hair, Skin, Holistic, Crystals, Books, Jewelry

Gift Ideas  starting at just $20!!!

Give the Gift of “Yummy Fingertips to tootsies”

Only $60

For a Spa Manicure and Pedicure!

Give the gift of Ultimate indulgence

Only $99

Reiki Infused Holistic Facial and Half Hour Massage

Give the Gift of Brightening up your Crowning Glory

Only $99

For a Partial Hilight and Hair Cut

(With Jes or Jenna)

We look forward to celebrating this wonderful season with you!

Have a ‘Green’ Christmas!

christmas symbol2

Tips Tuesday – Celebrate YOU!

Tips Tuesday – Celebrate YOU!

Celebrating YOU is not only FUN it’s NECESSARY!

Here are some beautiful examples of how some of our guests Celebrated themselves this past weekend at our Glamour Shoot with Suzanne Leakey Photography, when we Soft Launched our new Canadian Made GlowFit Mineral Make up!  Casual, Professional, Headshots and Christmas Gifts!  Who wouldn’t want a Professional Hair, Make Up and Photographer Shoot to show off your best you!  So whether it’s a Christmas Party, Family Event or just to pamper you for the good girl or boy you’ve been this year, book now while appointments are still available for You’re Best You for the Holidays!  Hope everyone had as much fun as we did, Celebrating YOU!

November and December Promo: Buy $100 worth of Gift Certificates and receive a Free $25 Gift Certificate!

AND Our Annual Loyalty Club Starts NOW! PreBook for Jan, Feb and March and receive 10% of all prebooked services and all retail purchased during the prebooked apt!



Tips Tuesday- Celebrate the Holidays by Preserve your memories! Put your best face forward!


I don’t know about you, but, the ever mounting awareness of over consumerism and the UN’s latest report on how we can turn this ‘Freight Train’ of Eco Disaster around within a century if we are diligent, brings me to a simple conclusion for this Holiday.  Preserve what means most to you!  Memories, Family, Living in the moment and the reason for the season.  I have had guests come in offering what their traditions have been or have evolved into. I loved the stories of awareness where as they recognize what abundance they enjoy in their own life they generously share with others by donating to local or international causes!  I personally LOVE the idea of giving a family member an ‘Ass’ for the Holidays to a needy village in another country.  How funny would that be to say I go an ‘Ass’ for Christmas!  But as the giggles subside the feeling of overwhelming gratitude for having so much and being able to give so much to others would leave you glowing far beyond the 12 days of Christmas!  As a sister of a unbelievably talented photographer, I see the value

However there are those that would argue that it is nice to show love and gratitude to those you’re closest too as well!  This is why we have offer you the opportunity to give the gift perfect for everyone!  For those who have everything, or have forgotten how much they have, something that is never the wrong size, shape or colour.

A framed picture of their dearest loved ones!  As a sister of a unbelievably talented photographer, I see the value beyond words of reflecting on the milestones and memories captured in a simple framed memento!

This Saturday Nov 15th from 8:30 to 2:30

We are offering you the opportunity to capture your memory!  Whether an updated Headshot is needed or you wish to capture the generational span of Grandmother, Mother and Daughter a Beautiful bonding opportunity awaits you and the opportunity to capture the fun day within the posterity of film!

For only $70, ($35 for kids)

You Receive A wash, BlowDry, Style, Mineral Makeup Application and a 20 minute photo shoot and as an added gift a FREE 8×10 Photograph to keep or gift away for the Holidays!

We have limited space so call asap to reserve your Glamour Shot Session!


Hybrid Hair and Detox Spa


Suzanne Leaky Photography

Jes pic

Tips Tuesday – You Are What You Eat! And How Much!


It’s getting to be that time of year! Holiday Season Approaches and If you are already in a state over your eating habits, you will find yourself slipping into a worry over how the Holidays will leave you in the New Year?! Will you have to top the list of resolutions with losing weight or eating better? Or will you simply continue on as you are?
If you are like thousands of others, your routine will be that of over indulgence believing “Next Year” is the year you will lose the weight or lose the habits of poor eating. No matter what size you are, I have seen Skinny Minny’s who eat very poorly and those with more insulation with wonderful eating habits, Hypnosis for Weight Loss is a great option! Brenda Schrader offers extensive experience into the benefits of Healing through Hypnosis. Although the name of the class implies a ‘weight loss’ theme, it really is for simply having better eating habits. In this incredible session, she will relax you deeply and speak to your sub conscious mind! Encouraging you to making better choices and paying attention to your body when it is satiated.
What better way to go into the Holidays then with self Empowerment and Self Control! Enjoy the Holidays without the worry, fear or stress of how you will handle your celebrations, simply enjoy yourself and allow the healing influence of hypnosis remove the shadow of concern over a happy holiday season!
Our LAST Hypnosis for weight loss is scheduled for this weekend, Sat Nov 8th From 12-2:30, just bring your comfy’s and some water! A $10 Deposit is required, please arrange the payment before class date, the total cost is $70 plus hst. Future refresher Hypnosis for this class is only $30 if you would like to.
I have experienced this amazing class and I truly see results!
Call in to Reserve a seat, only 6 seats in total to keep things intimate!

Archive Tips Tuesday October

Tips Tuesday – A November To Remember!

Tips Tuesday – A November To Remember!

Good Tuesday to all! I wanted to fill you in in some fun we have had and some fun we plan on having this coming month!

This past month was HUGE for promo’s, I hope you enjoyed them!  We also stretched our creativity with our recent photo shoot, showing off some beautiful fall colours!  We look forward to unveiling the gorgeous photos soon, we thank our clients who were our models!  We insist on using only our own work in our social media and posters in the salon to prove the ‘Green” is sexy and effective, while preserving our planet!

I wanted to share some exciting classes and workshops coming up focusing on our Essential Oil Line with Educator Kerstin Kramer.  She shared her expertise by offering a Flu Shot Make and Take and a Green Cleaner Make and Take using essential oils this past month.

There is one last class scheduled for October and if you are looking to attain your Reiki Level 2 Certification this class is for you!  this Saturday October 31 from 9-4 $250

Coming up for November are the following classes!

November 13 Managing Moods and Stress Naturally only $10 to attend

November 27 Creating Hormonal Balance Naturally

And as an added bonus we might be adding one for Children’s Health too! Watch for that posting!

Also I will be offering a Workshop @ The Rock Spa in the WoodBurner Building on Victoria St Kitchener November 9 from 7-9

Contact Steph @ The Rock Spa to reserve your seat @ 226-444-0176

fall trees


How To avoid a Zombie Apocalypse!

First it is important to understand the traits of a Zombie so you can clearly identify them!

  • An individual listlessly walking seemingly without destination with a great deal of distraction preventing them from connecting with any focus to anything or anyone
  • Individual may be looking down or looking straight ahead without acknowledging anything around them
  • Can be observed in a room full of people, at a restaurant however does not communicate with others simply mindlessly looks down at their lap
  • Seems to be void of emotion, except occasionally might randomly burst out in a muffled gawfaw prompting others to sometimes ask ‘What’s up?’ usually to know reply from the ‘Zombie’ subject.
  • Subjects family no longer recognizes the Subject in question.  Communication has almost completely ceased, and intimate contact is rarely enjoyed if at all. Relationships seem to break down due to lack of physical, emotional and psychological connection.  This is usually evident in the extreme cases after long periods of exposure to the epidemic strain or ‘Cause’ of the Zombie diagnosis.
  • Whole families have been known to be exposed to the disease.  This is concerning for many reasons , one of the biggest being that it takes a Strong Member to recognize the danger to the exposure and get treatment for the entire family immediately.

****Now read all of the listed traits above while recognizing the ‘ROOT CAUSE’ is technology, cell phones, laptops, lack of boundaries for work etc.

I thought I’d have a little fun this week with Halloween coming up to share with you what I and many others have been observing for some time…Ok Let me explain what a Zombie Apocalypse is to me!

Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7Z8Z9

The Side effects of this epidemic!

We have MAJOR Disconnection to nature because HOURS can go by while on devices the next thing you know there is no time to go outside with our kids and play.

Marriage are breaking down more then ever due to lack of communication, feeling unloved and neglected because spouses are distracted or having emotional affairs online.

Kids are not learning how to communicate effectively due to lack of communication in the home.  They are becoming desensitized to the important of emotional connections and meaningful talks with parents and siblings.

Quality morals, values and manners in public are being annihilated because no one uses common sense and respect for others in a public setting.

People DO NOT REALIZE THEY CAN MEET A QUALITY PERSON in PERSON, standing right beside them at a bus stop they could fall in Love with Date and Marry!  People are so reliant on social media and dating sites with their heads down staring at their dating site connections the person sitting beside them at a restaurant, or bus seat could be the love of their life, but they don’t know how or have the common sense to start up a conversation?!

It is making people trust people in person less and strangely trust strangers online more??!!

We know less what our kids are doing with snap chat, instagram, facebook, etc the are sending inappropriate pictures and connecting with strangers online.

There are no protective ‘Family’ settings that are broad enough or fast enough to keep up with the garbage and sensitive information our kids are exposed to on line.  Many people have voiced concerns with how young kids are getting sex ed in schools, when most kids are exposed to worst with no guidance on line.


Be string enough to set boundaries you are comfortable with personally and professionally!  Here are some tips!

You are paid for so many hours a week right?  IF you are working at home too, add up those hours and then recalculate your earnings:  $70,000/ 40 hr week= $33 /wk

If you are working an average of an additional 3 hours per night and maybe 4 hours on the weekend your income just dropped to $22/hr.  You are making $11 less per hour cause you are not setting healthy boundaries for your work.  Sad thing is Your Family is footing the bill for missed tie with you.  Noone ever goes to their grave saying they wish they spent more time working….

So Set healthy boundaries, Maybe you decide going to work earlier gets you more time to get stuff done without missing as much time with family.  Or maybe you say 30 mins per night is the most you will do and SET A TIMER to stay accountable!

Delegate more!  Everyone is replaceable, don’t get caught up in thinking only YOU can do the work, ask for help, it is healthier for you and others feel good about helping.

Set certain times of the day when family can use devices and then when the time is up commit to spending time doing something together, outside, inside or upside down!

Have a Phone bucket.  It’s easy to sit on the couch with the family to watch a movie then look around only to see everyone is also on a device.  Encourage focus and decrease over stimulation by having a phone bucket, all devices go in before family time, and stress that they be TURNED OFF!  If your Cell phone is also your home phone, There is NO RULE that you MUST PICK UP, let voicemail get it, especially if you are with your family, what message does this send your kids and spouse?  They are more important, and if it’s an emergency you can call back and so can they.

Have Family Game night, Movie night, no device night, outdoor activity night.  Make it fun and give everyone the chance to pick the activities! As a parent YOU set the tone for the reality and experiences of your family , and if it’s broken, you hold the responsibility but ALSO the keys to fix it.  Be strong and set the example.

So let only the Halloween Zombies invade your home this Halloween!  Reconnect with your family an friends, you will have a richer life experience for it.

Tips Tuesday – Celebrate Gratitude with us This FREE Fabulous, Fall FitGlow Friday Mineral Make Over Event!


FREE Fabulous, Fall FitGlow Friday Mineral Make Over Event

11-7 Friday October 16

We LOVE our guests and to show our appreciation by offering a FREE fun, fabulous, fall mineral makeup application while you enjoy complimentary refreshments and meet Anna Domi the Creator and Founder of the line.  It is so important to us to support Canadian made products that are safer for our whole family!  The more we support local manufacturing, the more we support our local economy and even better that’s it’s eco sustainable!

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Fall is usually a time when we get a fresh new look, chic cut, juicy colour and then of course refresh our make up kit to compliment our new looks!  This event will help you integrate your new shades and even learn some new tips you’ve been dying to try!  This is your chance!

fall 2015 1

So this Friday October 16th from 11-7, we would like to show Gratitude for all of our amazing clients by offering all of you a FREE FitGlow Fabulous Fall Make over with a safer Eco Friendly Canadian made line! Enjoy a complimentary professional make up application and meet Anna Domi the Creator of FitGlow Mineral Make up. Enjoy lovely refreshments and fall tips for fabulous looks every day! Book in a cut and or wash and style and then take your new look out to paint the town red, orange and yellow! Spaces are limited so please call to reserve a space! 519-886-8624

Hope to see you there!



fitglow 1

Tips Tuesday- Doing some INNER work for hair, skin and spirit!

Tips Tuesday- Doing some INNER work for hair, skin and spirit!

Well for many people the colder weather and darker afternoons mark a time for hibernation.  Avoiding the cold and finding cozy solace indoors is common for most of us.  the following ‘tips’ are to make this season a little more positive and less negatively impactful to your hair, skin and spirit.



Find your hair dryer and more static effected this time of year? Try the following regimens and watch how your hair will thank you.

~Do regular deep conditioner treatments, at least once a week

~ Smooth a little styling oil or coconut oil over your hair after styling, carrying Lavender oil in your purse can be used during the day adding smoothness, moisturizing benefits

~ DO NOT wash your hair every day!  Get creative, try pony tails or braids and twists to get through days 2 and 3, excessive washing dries the hair and scalp causing breakage and dandruff



~ On your scalp if you get regular dandruff mix up a bit of coconut oil and lavender oil and rub it directly on your scalp then apply a deep conditioner on your ends for a double whammy moisture experience! Leave on for 10-20 minutes then gently rinse with body temperature water.

~ Get a richer moisturizer for your face!  Winter is more dying and the wind causes the skin to dry out faster.  Using a more moisturizing cream will help, also stay away from foaming cleansers, these tend to be very drying, stick with cream cleansers, like our RVB Holistic Milk cleanser that can also double as a make up remover!

~ Consider adding an oil treatment at night like our RVB essential oil night oil!  Your cells rejuvenate more at night while you rest, so maximize their youthful potential while you sleep with an deep penetrating oil moisturizer!

~ Get a facial once a month at least.  You skin is in so much need of TLC and it barely gets it!  Make sure you get professional care and take advantage of the amazing Facial Friday 20% discount every Friday!



~ Many people find this time of year difficult as less exposure to sunlight and the plethora of holidays can cause a sadness that can seem overwhelming.  Many treatments can help relieve the side affects of the overwhelm.  Reiki, Shambala, and crystal grid therapy are amazing ways to re-balance energy and increase joy and peace to your energy body.

~ Holistic Life Coaching Treatments help you get to the root of the issue with any obstacle in relationships, career or in issues you are haunted by within you from the past.

~ Get outside anyway!  Part of the negative feelings you are experiencing are due to lack of exposure to the sun and clean air that the outdoors supplies.  Get outside for at least 30 mins a day for a brisk walk to get the cobwebs out of your head and the Chi back in your body flowing again!

Every Thursday is Therapy Thursday, enjoy 20% off any Holistic and or Energy treatment!

Tips Tuesday – Invest in Yourself, Mind Body Spirit, Committing Religiously to Self Care

dad pedi

How much do you spend on others?  Not just with money but time, energy, support?  How much are Braces for your kids?  Or Sports activities, or on clothes,?  What am I getting at here?  Is there balance?  Do you spend equal amounts of energy(money, time, support) on yourself that you spend on others?  Constantly giving depletes your banked energy, and if you do not balance out what you give yourself to what you give others, then you become drained and ineffective in pretty much everything you do.  You become short with the kids, uninterested in the relationship with the spouse, too tired to go see friends or even go for a walk.  Living your life this way today creates a worst nightmare tomorrow.  Living a life of drained energy starves your mind body and spirit of the precious substance that keeps you health, happy and whole.  It make you run on fumes and your metal physical and spiritual self become ill, and dysfunction.  This leads to Dis-Ease that shortens your life span, preventing you from enjoying retirement, grandchildren or even life moments with your kids like graduations, and weddings.  It prevents you from living your life passionately and purposefully.  So many people suffer with regret in their last days, wishing they could turn back the clock and make different choices that focused more on peaceful, stress free living, and investing in themselves, which in turn would have given their families and friends more time with them and given the guilt ridden patient more time to live a life full of purpose.

Where do you begin?  Take out a sheet of paper, yup right now, I will wait for you……..OK, on one side right all the things you do for others!  On the other right all you do for yourself in a day.  Is it balanced?  Look, I understand not everyday will be perfectly equal, nor should you turn into a stress ball trying!  However, awareness is the start!  Next, make another list of things  you could do for yourself each day that would alleviate stress , cater to your needs and create more balance!  Getting up earlier to work out!  Check!  Prebooking a reiki treatment every two weeks!  Check!  Pre-booking a one hour  a relaxation massage once a month!  Check!  Going for walks every other day with the family! Check! (Things for yourself can include others, who better then your own family or spouse! This encourages them to prioritize exercise , family time and self care.  Boom!  Booking a coffee meeting in with a friend shows you care and you can enjoy some adult convo with a positive friend!) Check!  Prebook a cut and deep conditioning treatment once every 6 weeks!  Check!  Sign up for opportunities to learn more about your self care and spirituality!  Check!  Get the picture!  So why ‘Pre-Book’?  This keeps you accountable to YOU!  Someone has to!  it also gives you something positive to look forward to, keeps your energy level constantly replenished and prevents you from being disappointed when you really need it from not being able to get an appointment!  Especially around the Holidays!!!!! (Only 10 weeks till Christmas and we are booking up fast EEEK)  Bringing a friend creates a feeling of investment and support too!  Bring your spouse for a massage with you before a date night in, or out!  No reason why your family and friends shouldn’t benefit from this new you, and be encouraged by your actions to improve their lives and health too!  All of your relationships will improve, and you will become more effective in everything you do and have more energy doing it!

So my Tip for this Tuesday?  Invest in yourself, everyone around you will benefit not just you.  No one lies on their death bed wishing they worked more, and spent less time relaxing and enjoying each day with their loved ones.  We can help you stay accountable, we are here to support your path to Conscious Self Care!!

Call Today to Pre-Book your balance!



Tips Tuesday – The Beauty of Gratitude!


As Thanks Giving approaches I am motivated to share the Beauty of Gratitude!   Needless to say being grateful for what you have should not just be celebrated once a year, but every day!  Seems common sense, however we tend to forget this with the distraction of the daily grind.  As some of you read this you might be running about with the hustle and bustle of the season, some with glee, others with a sense of duty.  Are you dreading the assembly of family members and their baggage wishing you could invite friends that are ‘Family you choose?’ Others yet could be sitting beside the bed of a sick loved on over these Holidays wishing to return to the safe repetition of another ‘Normal’ family gathering.  Others still might be sitting wishing to forget this Holiday Season as they do not have family to assemble with.

Feel into this season, embrace your time with your loved ones, biological or not, sharing memories breaking bread together, showing gratitude for your health and wealth, safety and security.  Each day as a beautiful start to each day, reflect on your gratitude list, feel the energy that this brings you and carry that into your day.  Not only does this bring even more good into your life, it keeps a light, youthful energy about you creating a glow resembling the glow reminiscent of the fountain of youth!

In celebration of Family, Beauty and Holidays , we wish to extend to you a limited promotion!  On November 15th form 8:30-2:30 we will be offering 10 lovely ladies a ‘Glamour Day’ of make overs and photo shoots!  We will be celebrating our latest addition of a new ‘Greener’ Mineral Make up Line being unveiled at the event!  Watch for more info coming soon! For only $70 you will receive a wash and style, Mineral Make up Treatment and photo session, with a complimentary 5×7 picture to remember your experience!  This allows you the opportunity to use this as a Christmas Gift, Head Shot or simply a beautiful celebration of you!  What better reason to celebrate then that!

We have limited space for this very exciting event, so please call asap to book your session! 519-886-8624


Archive Tips Tuesday September

Tips Tuesday – S0 Much to Celebrate! Join Us For The Following Free Events and Promos!


S0 Much to Celebrate! Join Us For The Following Free Events and Promos!

October is upon us and with it brings several amazing events to celebrate, what better time of year to do so and be grateful then Thanks Giving!

I have been motivated to show gratitude for so many things I wish to share with you.

I get to celebrate 40 years of an amazing healthy life, wonderful friends and supportive family,

Being Nominated for Oktoberfest Rogers Woman of the Year Event

6 years of successfully running Hybrid Hair and Detox Spa


Celebrating the launching of my new business the Institute For Harmonious Living

So to celebrate my 40th I would like to to offer 40% off a hair and skin combined service to anyone celebrating their 40th the month of October!

I would like to invite you to a celebratory make up party on Friday October 16th, enjoy a FREE Mineral Make Up Application, complimentary snacks and refreshments.  Please RSVP for a space!


To celebrate the nomination I would like to extend a 10% discount for anyone who has Oktoberfest tickets!  Bring in your Ticket and receive 10% off the service you have booked for that day, (Discount can only be applied once).


In celebrating the opening of IHL and reaching the milestone of 40 years on this amazing planet I recognize that not EVERYONE is as excited as I am to enjoy such an amazing life event so I would like to offer 40% off a Holistic Life Coach session for anyone searching for guidance and balance in their lives.

So for this Tips Tuesday celebrating a month of Gratitude on reflection of this Thanks Giving Holiday Season, I encourage you too to celebrate your life, your successes and all that you have that many all over the world can only wish they could enjoy.  Showing Gratitude is the fastest way to raise your personal vibration, cure depression and put everything into perspective.


Happy Thanks Giving

Happy Oktoberfest


Happy Birthday to anyone else celebrating their bday this month, come celebrate with us!





Tips Tuesday – Fall Prep for Mind, Body and Spirit!

Tips Tuesday – Fall Prep for Mind, Body and Spirit!

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The season hair is unstructured, and undefined with loads of waves while utilizing the summers lightened hues but with the integration of some depth at the roots and mid shaft.  Ombres are still a strong colour go to, but with toned down approaches’ that reminisce of fall tones and hues.

fall 2015 1


Skin always shows its best after lots of water drinking and a good nights sleep!  But continue that maintenance with awareness to your skin care is essential!  Remember that you are heading into a dry over heated indoor season, so upping the hydration in your moisturizer is very important.  Also good to note is to avoid the overly pruned eyebrows, that’s right softer more natural brows are in.  Softer more natural everything is in!  The make up trending for fall is looking like natural watercolour paintings rather then typical bold colours and heavy liners we are used to this time of year.  So enjoy your berry stained lips and soft less defined eyes, softer is in, and letting your perfectly hydrated skin glow, especially with our Facial Fridays with 20% off facials every Friday and FitGlow Makeup our Canadian made Mineral Make up line of choice!



Some people find themselves in over whelm with the lighthearted summer vacay months over, it’s time to hit the books/deadlines/overtime, not to mention the kids in all their activities there’s hardly time left to sleep let alone squeeze in that yoga class.  As daunting as it seems to organize yet one more thing, bare with me now.  Set a timeline for your day so that your down time, exercise and self care take equal president along with all those things you must achieve for others.  Find time to ‘hit’ books that stimulate your spiritual growth, and warm your heart on those cool fall evenings, and do NOT skimp on healthy eating or proper sleep just to meet the needs of others.  You are actually more productive when you are well rested and your energy is high, so NEVER compromise the need to feed your spirit, it allows you to be the super wo/man that you know you can be!

Tips Tuesday – New! Exciting new services and service providers to try!!

Tips Tuesday – New!  Exciting new services and service providers to try!!

As you already know we are ALWAYS on the hunt for great new ‘Green’ Family members and services, so without further adieux allow me to unveil for you some great news!!

Kim Fischer is joining our EcoFamily offering Safer skin, nail and holistic services for you and your family!  Kim has a soothing presence and is passionate about joining a space committed to healthier products and services.  A little secret, she might even be able to expand our Ultimate Green Menu, which I am totally pumped about!  Want to be the first to meet Kim?  Her first day is the 23rd of Sept and she works 10-8, yup that’s Weds Wax Day too so book in now while there are still appts available!

Nyssa McDonald's Photo

Nyssa McDonald

Nyssa McDonald Is a Certified Holistic Energy Practitioner and owner of Resonating Energies, she is offering Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Crystal Healing, Sound Healing and Meridian Technologies every Wednesday from 10-8.  All of the listed services are defined on the Page of Holistic Definitions on our site.  We welcome Nyssa and I personally am VERY excited to expand our Crystal Healing Treatments!


Morgan Minnick is currently enrolled in Gina’s School for Hairstyling and has joined us as an apprentice!  For some of you her face will be quite familiar as she is my daughter and has worked as a part timer for a few years now.  She has also been the face representing a lot of our marketing material!  Now she will find herself on the OTHER SIDE of the camera LOL,.  Morgan’s prices are reflective of the apprenticeship price point, and she will be assisting Jenna and I with Colour applications, treatments, blow-dries etc, as well as growing her own clientele!  Morgan has attained her Reiki Level 1 and Lash extensions, and is looking forward to becoming licenced as a stylist and expanding her Holistic Treatment Repertoire!

We have possibly Two more stylists joining us very soon, I’m pumped to introduce them, so you will have to watch here for the update coming soon!

Zoya Nude Manicure 1

Launching the NAKED MANICURE!

Repair tired nails, damaged nails or dry brittle nails, enjoy an Anti-Aging Spa Manicure or Pedicure and watch as your hands and nails return to a natural, supple, youthful look!  Ask for Elena or Kim to book your Manicure or add to any other service.

Cynthia is now offering Lymphatic Detox Sessions for an introductory offer of $45 for a minimum one hour session.  This addresses issue with fighting tough infections, bloating or gassiness, joint and muscle pain, constipation, diarrhea, rashes, itchy skin ,swollen  glands, or simply feeling sluggish!

Starting October 2015 we will be offering Sylin’ Saturdays! This will include Wash and Blow Dry with our Apprentice’s for just $20 for short hair and $30 for long hair (Past Shoulders) Straightening or curling included (Event hair like updos adtnl charge)

More New Info coming soon!

Tips Tuesday – How to pick the right Life Coach, Counselor or Energy Practitioner!

On My Institute For Harmonious Living Web Page a recently Posted the Following:


the couch

How do You Know if You Have The Right Life Coach or Counselor?

It occurred to me that many people out there may be experiencing what I had experienced before I decided to become a certified Holistic Life Coach.  I had reached out for help while a teenager, an adult for marital  and again after for singular support to traditional counseling.  Each time I ended my sessions without finding resolution in my issues inside or out.  I realized that many people have become disillusioned with all forms of counselling and many forms of psychiatry because the conflicts that motivated them to reach out for help to resolve never seemed to improve through many expensive sessions with these professionals.  Now let me be very clear, I am not here bashing counselors or psychiatrists etc, I am suggesting that there are others out there, like me, that found this approach simply didn’t work for them.  If like me you have lost faith in counselling and coaching I offer you a list to help clarify how you know if either the specific practice or professional is not for you and that maybe it is time to try a new approach or practitioner.

When your sessions are NOT effective. 

  •  You feel worst after leaving then when you came in for the session
  •  You still point a finger at everyone or that one other person outside of you
  •  The issue you came in to deal with is persisting, and in some cases getting worst
  •  You find yourself becoming more depressed as you feel that there is simply no hope to resolve the issue
  •  You feel hopeless, helpless, powerless and this does not improve with multiple sessions
  •  You find yourself searching for skills and tools to improve your situation and in turn your life and you feel as though you have not learned any constructive approaches to improve anything
  •  You simply stop going because you don’t feel like it is helping and that you might even get more support from talking to a friend and save more money

Signs That you have the Right Coach/Counselor

  •   You feel better after a session then when you came in
  •   You recognize your role in everything you have created in your life the good and the bad
  •   This issue(s) you came to sessions to resolve are improving steadily with each visit
  •  You find yourself feeling more and more condfident and happy seeing improvments over time
  •  You feel empowered stronger and more capable after each visit
  •  You have learned many skills and tools you can utilize in your every day life to help you in anything that comes your way
  •  You achieve so much with your Coach/Counselor that you begin setting goals and attaining them in ways you never thought possible.  Many people who begin seeing the ‘Right’ coaches for assistance with blocks and issues in their lives, once cleared, begin utilizing the expertise of these professionals to set, and achieve goals they never thought they could.  As your needs change the role of the Coach changes too.

I hope this clarifies the difference between effective Coaching/Counseling and ineffective.  If you show ANY of the signs listed in the first list ask around, there is someone out there that can personally recommend a Coach perfect for you.

Amazingly many people with seemingly insurmountable blocks and challenges become the BEST Coaches and Counselors, Why?  Because the empathy and understanding you receive from these experienced individuals comes from first hand experiences with life altering pain and trauma, while proving life beyond the pain can not only exist but be happier and more free from toil and pain then some people who seemingly have had very little if any hurdles to over come.  When encouraged and motivated by someone that has been through these challenges and have come out the other side stronger then ever, it inspires you to over come your own.  It makes you feel safe and capable.  We recognize our own strength when we see someone achieve their goals we have a knowing that we too have that power within us to achieve our own.  If you are one of these lvely people who wishes to follow a calling to help other heal, I would LOVE to assist you on your path.  Email me at info@instituteforharmoniousliving.com and I would be more the happy to start you on your path to complete freedom from drama and enjoying fulfilled purpose.  Check out this site under workshops and classes for more info on this course year 1 and year two options, Holistic Life Coaching and Energy Psychology Certification Programs. **for more info go to https://instituteforharmoniousliving.wordpress.com/


I got thinking about it and I realized that many people entering HHDS have similar problems choosing an Energy or Holistic Practitioner.


So let me list a few things that should alert you to either change the energy treatment or energy practitioner:

  • The issues you have come in to address have not improved
  • The Practitioner keeps referring to themselves as ‘Your Healer’ or makes you feel that you do not have any power in your own healing that only ‘They’ can help you
  • You feel very drained after each session (Some people feel very tired or relaxed after a session, this is different from feeling like your energy is drained)
  • You feel negative after a sessions
  • You feel apprehensive before going in even after a visit or two (Sometimes we feel apprehensive before trying something new, this is different)
  • Your energy practitioner discourages you from trying other modalities with other practitioners
  • Your energy Practitioner starts to cross boundaries making you feel uncomfortable either physically, emotionally or spiritually

Signs that you are enjoying the right energy treatments and practitioner:

  • The issues you have come to address are improving
  • The practitioner reminds you that you are in the drivers seat, they are simply there to help and offer healing energy, that the energy has it’s own intelligence and it already knows what to do.  They remind you that they are simply a conduit for the energy and the body, once clear of blockages heals itself.  They even suggest trying more modalities and other practitioners because that is what is best for you.
  • You feel VERY relaxed, calm, peaceful, emotional, tired (in a good relaxed way, and feel energized after a good nap while the body readjusts to the new healthy energy)
  • You feel excited about future appointments as you see improvement in your health and mental clarity, you leave feeling positive
  • You feel safe and at ease during your sessions knowing your energy practitioner respects your boundaries

**It is very important that you stay in the drivers seat regarding your mind, body and spirit growth and health.  You must be your own advocate always, regardless of whether you are with a traditional family physician or energy or holistic practitioner. If you have concerns make yourself be heard, if they are not listening, find someone new who will respect you and your concerns..

mental health week #1



Wow my family and I have been watching shows on American channels the last couple days and I guess the sun going down earlier has caused us to snuggle more on the coach at night under a blanket or maybe better movies on?! Either way strangely enough we began to realize every commercial was about a new medication.  You name it, Headache Meds, Thyroid Meds, Arthritis Meds, you name it we heard it!  It became a joke, we usually turn the commercials down , but we actually started turning it up to hear the 10 mins long side affects lists after they announced the medication!!!  We couldn’t help but laugh and gafaw in shock at the listed illnesses these medications listed, usually far worst then the malady that the medication was to be used to treat!

How did we get to a place of handing our power away?  How did we get to a point where we trusted so deeply in the medical industry and government to regulate our treatment, our medications, our food and our environment?  Now we are suffering worst side affects from our meds and have even heard of celebrities dying of side affects or unwittingly combining drugs that should not be mixed.  (Many more die however we don’t her of them because they aren’t celebrities).  Did you know that one of the side affects of Depression Medication is Suicidal thoughts and tendencies?  Don’t get me wrong, I am NOT bashing Dr.’s or the medical industry.  I’m trying to open our eyes.  I have used Birth Control that sent my hormones wild, and Depression Medication got me through a tough time, however at what cost?

Now that I am aware of other options, healthier options with NO SIDE AFFECTS I have not been sick, I have maintained good health and in the first sign of ‘Imbalance’ or ‘Dis-Ease’ I deal with it energetically.  And I am learning about more new amazing treatments all the time!

In a recent article sent to me was an alert to the fact that our Ontario Health Minister is in the process of attempting to shut down all Holistic Practices.  This effort is backed by a group of Psychologists.  Now I urge you to look into this and if you feel your rights are being violated in your freedom to choose the treatment you want, feel free to sign the petition against it.  I ask you, why would this not have been made public and why are Holistic Practitioners being targeted?


Any answers?  Here is my theory.  There is more money in Medications, Labels, and institutionalizing people then there is in empowering and healing people.  You see once someone is empowered with that realization that they have all they need within them to heal and are guided by a Holistic Practitioner, they shouldn’t need such aggressive meds and treatment.  Here-in Lies the problem.  Economics.  We are making money off people being sick.

As I’m sure you know I could go on forever, but  encourage you to also read a book called ‘This Changes Everything’, which is an eye opener to economics tied to the demise of our planet.  We are all connected as I have mentioned before, your money talks, use it wisely, pick greener products, GMO free food and use the Holistic options available to you and your family to take back the power of your health and wellness.

We enjoyed Kerstin Kramer’s talk last week regarding healthy Holistic Treatment options , not only at HHDS but in our community, and participated in a great Health and Wellness Show @ the Kitchener City hall called ‘Growing Up Healthy’.  These were both free to our community!  Utilize this!  If you are around this weekend or are enjoying the KOI MUSIC FESTIVAL, pop in to Kitchener City hall from 11-3 for the Holistic Fair Courteousy of Steph VanDeVen, a good friend of mine, who is trying to spread the word for local Holistic options.  Check it out, your health will blossom!

Feel free to check out future classes and workshops available to you through HHDS and don’t forget ‘Therapy Thursdays’ Every Thursday receive 20% off all Holistic Services here!


Workshops and Classes! UPDATED!


Before I show the Workshop List I HAVE to tell you about my combination treatment with Kerstin Kramer!  Our latest addition to our Green Family and our Collaborative Consciousness partner!  Kerstin had me lay on her Electromagnetic mat and applied Therapeutic Touch and Reiki at the same time.  Al the while explaining what the Mat did, as I was already familiar with Reiki and Therapeutic touch.

The Electromagnetic Mat is FDA Approved for Bone repair and growth!  WOW so as she went on to tell me about the healing properties of this mat I felt the energy of the reiki/TTT and I had a separate sensation of a numbing in areas of stress or damage, Like my arms and shoulders from working as a stylist, the ball of my foot that I had been told was early onset of arthritis OR a bunion, my stomach had been upset when I got to work and was becoming soothed.  I felt generally AWESOME!  It was so exciting to learn about this amazing tool!  It regenerates Cells in a minimum of 8 mins and it lasts 8 hours!  This has a huge ‘ReBooting’ affect to your system!  The affects of Cell Phones, Computers, and Microwaves all have a Cell Scrambling affect and can decrease Bone density too!  So for old injuries, Osteoporosis, and all over Cell health this mat ROCKS!

Thank you Kerstin for introducing it to us and offering it to our guests EVER THERAPY THURSDAY @ 20% off!  Call for an appointment I highly recommend it, and it can be booked while your hair colour processes or just a tack on to any other service including energy treatments to maximize your health with minimal time restraints!  Look for Kerstin’s Electromagnetic Information Workshop October 9 6-7.  Please call to RSVP!

HHDS 2014 Workshops and Classes

**THE FOLLOWING CLASSES ARE LIMITED SEATING reserving a seat is necessary :


When I do energy work on a client, I can tell if they’ve broke their nose in the past, I can tell if they grind their teeth, I can tell if they have a sore knee that day plus so much more.  Learning how to read energy is SO important.  Besides understanding illness in your family, you can use energy to pick up health or unresolved issues for your family or yourself.  2 1/2 hours of “hands on” exercises.  I will teach you how to see auras on each other and plants, you’ll learn how to “heal” someone else’s pain, just to mention a few insights you’ll receive.  This workshop is a lot of fun, the energy in the class is always high.  Great for nurses or medical/care profession.

2 1/2 hours  –  $40.00 per person (plus HST)    *****ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!!!!

(This is one of my favourite workshops, I had to extend it to 2 1/2 hours because the feedback was they wanted more exercises.)

1:00  –  3:30


Brenda Schrader-Sanders Hi Reiki Master/Consulting Hypnotist New Beginnings NEWYOU.com REG. w/International Center for Reiki Training REG. w/National Guild of Hypnotists


First each person is tested for hypnosis as a client.  Using Reiki, Silva Method and Hypnosis see what one client had to say.

“Wow, I’m really impressed.  I have more energy and my food choices, even when I’m hungry, have been better.  I’ve been going to bed earlier and getting more sleep too.  What have you done with lazy A—?  Oh ya, I’ve lost a few pounds too!”  This was 1 week after her session.

2 1/2 hours  –  $70.00 per person (plus HST)                 ****ONLY 2 SEATS LEFT!

9:30 –  11:30


Brenda Schrader-Sanders Hi Reiki Master/Consulting Hypnotist New Beginnings NEWYOU.com REG. w/International Center for Reiki Training REG. w/National Guild of Hypnotists

October 9 6-7 Electromagnetic Therapy Info Session:

Learn how this Treatment boasts the benefits of Less pain, better sleep, improved sports, more energy, and is FDA approved to improve your health. Electromagnetic Therapy has been shown to restore the electrical potential of a cell, thereby stimulating the bodies’ natural healing ability.

“If the electrical imbalance is corrected, the disease does not manifest” ~ Harold Saxton Burr, Professor of Anatomy at Yale University School of Medicine~

Offered by Kerstin Kramer

Therapeutic Touch Practitioner

Reiki Practitioner

Electromagnetic Therapist

Nutritional Imbalance Analyst



Being in a meditative state, I’ll be talking to your subconscious mind regarding self-confidence, relationships (including addictions), money issues, health/weight and happiness.  This is an extremely powerful class with life changing benefits.  For best results, it is important that you do the 5 minutes a day exercise for 21 days.

2 1/2 hours  –  $70.00 per person (plus HST) 

Brenda Schrader-Sanders Hi Reiki Master/Consulting Hypnotist New Beginnings NEWYOU.com REG. w/International Center for Reiki Training REG. w/National Guild of Hypnotists


Oct. 25th for: INTRO TO FENG SHUI

You’ll learn the 9  Feng Shui areas of the Ba-Gua and the cures to improve these areas.

1)  Fame/reputation

2)  Marriage/love relationships

3)  Children/creativity

4)  Helpful people/travel

5)  Career/life path

6)  Knowledge/wisdom

7)  Family

8)  Wealth/prosperity

9)  Health

You’ll learn the importance of lights, sounds, colours at tools.  Also, the use of the 5 Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water)

3 hours  –  $45.00 per person (plus HST)

1:00  –  4:00


Brenda Schrader-Sanders Hi Reiki Master/Consulting Hypnotist New Beginnings NEWYOU.com REG. w/International Center for Reiki Training REG. w/National Guild of Hypnotists


First each person is tested for hypnosis as a client.  Using Reiki, Silva Method and Hypnosis see what one client had to say.

“Wow, I’m really impressed.  I have more energy and my food choices, even when I’m hungry, have been better.  I’ve been going to bed earlier and getting more sleep too.  What have you done with lazy A—?  Oh ya, I’ve lost a few pounds too!”  This was 1 week after her session.

2 1/2 hours  –  $70.00 per person (plus HST)

1:00 –  3:30


Brenda Schrader-Sanders Hi Reiki Master/Consulting Hypnotist New Beginnings NEWYOU.com REG. w/International Center for Reiki Training REG. w/National Guild of Hypnotists


Some topics include:

Women’s Health Class

Healthy Children

Intro to Oils

Essential Oils for Bellies, Birth and Babies

Teen Tools for stress and anxiety

Anxiety, Sleep and Depression

Healthy Weight Loss

Energy 101 Self Care Class

Make Over Your Medicine Cabinet

The Writing On Your Wall

Ayurveda Products indulgence  ‘Rituals’

Tips Tuesday- Listen to your body



Well we seem to take note if a big old white head pops up out of no where in the middle of our face, or if we are having a bad hair day and split ends or gray roots are peaking out menacingly, so why is it we don’t pay attention to the nagging pain in our back, knee, stomach, elbow, tooth?  Why do we take our health for granted?  For some we have been healthy for so long we think it will go away.  Some others think, ‘well if it doesn’t go away or gets worst I will see a Dr.’  Maybe that stems from having health care so easily at our finger tips.  But sadly we use up the health care money on little silly thing we could resolve ourselves or prevent with more self care when other people with more serious ailments need the attention of the Dr. more.

Here’s the thing.  We can Heal our body far more affectively then we think.  We give our health healing power away.  We assume the Dr’s know better then us.  We wait too long to address these ailments ourselves then when things get worst we wait too long to see the Dr. before we even try any kind of treatment certainly never self care tried first.  We assume we are supposed to get sick\old as time goes by.  We age before our time because we are not practicing any Prevented Self Care Medicine.  Think about what you do.  Do you eat organic?  Exercise every day for 30 mins?  Meditate?  Exercise our minds in a learning manner potential?  Do we listen to our bodies even when they whisper as a twinge or pang, to provide it the stretching, massaging, energy healing it needs?  Do you rest your body enough?  Go to bed on time?

We complain about the imperfect Health Care we are so lucky to have in comparison to other countries and yet we refuse to claim responsibility for our own health.


It’s Time to reclaim Responsibility for our own health.  Start today any way you can.  If your Self care is 0 or in the Minus in scale of 1-10 Start with something simple.  Get walking outside, then step it up every week till you are at Ten!  I guarantee you no investment you put into your self care will ever come up with a loss!  Each step you take towards self care empowerment will reward you with many more years of mental and physical health.  I used to think people had to deteriorate either mentally or physically as they aged.  Either Alzheimer or something of the like or physically and lose use of their legs or joint replacement.  I realize now that my future is in my hands TODAY.

HOW WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR RETIRMENT TO LOOK LIKE?  I know for one thing, I want to make it to retirement!  And then I want to be mentally, physically and spiritually ready to enjoy every second of it!  I am starting with waking up every morning at 6am to work out for 30 mins, then meditating for 5-10 mins and making my lunches each day, what will you do?

Start with the help of workshops and classes on Self Care @ HHDS and check out Therapy Thursdays, 20% off All Holistic Services to enhance your Mind Body and Spirit Health and Welbeing.


Therapy Thursdays!! Starting September, 2014



Why Therapy Thursdays you ask?  BECAUSE YOU/WE NEED IT!  As a stylist for more then 20 years I have heard years worth of stress stories, pain stories, health worry stories, doomed Relationship worries, you name it I’ve heard it.  After opening HHDS I realized that in order to help people connect more to our planet they had to become more connected to themselves.  As everything is connected the state of the planet reflects the malnourished state of ourselves.  So where do we start?  How do we find our passion, our purpose, our balance, joy, tranquility and peace?  Not so hard actually!  Instead of going through the motions, like a robot keeping up with the bills and the Jones’, stop! Stop saying yes to every request, stop running yourself ragged, stop spending time and money on everything/one else.  One thing I have noticed is that when we are healthy,  provided for and have our needs relatively met, we really don’t see it or appreciate it.  When we are going through every day like a robot we can’t and don’t see value in nurturing or nourishing our minds bodies and spirits.  When we are sick, truly, seriously sick, we remember how our minds bodies and spirits carried us through so much and we lament those days of health and energy.  We regret not spending the time and money on our own health when illness provides clarity of what is truly important.  How heart wrenching it is to watch this internal angst.  Why didn’t we live more in the moment, why didn’t we spend more time with the people that mattered most doing the things that meant the most?  Why didn’t we prioritize our health mind body and spirit?

This is why we created Therapy Thursdays!  I am SO PROUD to be able to offer you the diversity of services we now provide!  We are all so grateful to be able to share with you the experiences that your Mind Body and Spirit CRAVES!  I am very excited to share our space now with local energy practitioners that share our view of the planet and our cultural state.  May I introduce to you Kerstin Kramer and Brenda Schrader, joining our Collaborative Consciousness at Hybrid Hair and Detox Spa!

Kerstin Kramer: With HHDS now EVERY Therapy Thursday!

+1 (519) 886-8624
Reiki ~ Therapeutic Touch ~ Electromagnetic Therapy

Practicing since 2007

– Recognized Therapeutic Touch Practitioner (Level I, II, III)
– Reiki Master (Level I, II, III, Master)
– Certified Lifestyle Consultant (Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy)
– BodyTalk Access Technician
 – Various other courses pertaining to health & wellness
– Focusing on pain & stress relief using holistic methods
– Passionate about helping people find their own unique healing path
Kerstin is offering our next Workshop next Therapy Thursday, September 11 from 6-7 ‘Heal Your Body’ is a FREE workshop helping to guide you on your path to a more vibrant and balanced life!  Check out our list of classes on our site, facebook or call for more info!  Seats are limited so lease call to reserve a seat!

Brenda Schrader-Sanders: Joining us for Workshops and classes on Saturdays and Mondays

Hi Reiki Master/Consulting Hypnotist
New Beginnings NEW YOU.com (519-886-8624)
REG. w/International Center for Reiki Training
REG. w/National Guild of Hypnotists

Brenda is offering you one of our next classes, ‘Hypnosis for weight loss’ at a special HHDS rate of $70 REG> $125!!  This amazing workshop is geared to provide you with the focus and drive to achieve your healthiest body goals!  No matter whether it’s 10lbs or 100lbs, this class will amaze you and provide the motivation while helping to remove blocks that are keeping you stuck.  These classes are smaller and intimate to maximize the impact of this special service.  Call to reserve a seat and see future classes provided by Brenda on our site and facebook!

The Following Services are available at 20% off EVERY Therapy Thursday!




Celtic Reiki

Aroma Touch Therapy

Electromagnetic Therapy

Touch Therapy

Holistic Life Coaching

Namaste Facial

Relaxation Massage

Hot Stone Massage

Just like our Wednesday Wax day and our Facial Fridays, we do recommend pre booking if possible as space is limited based on individual practitioners and the discount days are quite popular!

We are so happy to offer you this opportunity to prioritize your Mind Body and Spirit health!  Don’t’ put it off any longer!



HHDS Green Family



Tips Tuesday – First Day of School! (Might be the best one!)


salon0512 052

My Tip for this Tuesday?!

SELF CARE!  You have shopped and ran and catered to everyone else.  Now STOP!!!  Sit down, take a deep breath, live your childs childhood!  Listen to their first day!  Embrace their happiness  and their concerns.  Don’t worry about the next step live in the now!  Once those sweet peas are in bed, Pour a cup of tea or glass of wine turn the T.V off the cell phone off the computer off and connect with your spouse and yourself.  This time of year is wonderful for cuddles and reconnecting.  Everything will get done don’t worry.  Just Be…..





Archive Tips August

Tips Tuesday – Back To School Hair and Make Up



This time of year is crzy!  Getting ready for school, getting reorganized!  Here are som simple ways to prep for the first day!

Make Lunch the night before!

Long Hair?  Put it in loose braids the night before when just barely damp let dry over night and run fingers through it in the morning , touch up with an iron if need be in the a.m

Short hair?  Curls are big and sleek and shiny is always in.  For curls, wrap hair around your finger when slightly damp with some product in it and pin to the head with bobby pins, use one to two inch sections the bigger the section the bigger the curls.  Next morning separate each curl in three and go!  For sleek hair wash and blow dry the night before in the a.m use a straight iron to smooth and sleek fly aways, make sure you use Thermal Protector like our Onesta Thermal Spray.

Make up generally becomes the subject around grade 7 or 8 or age 13.  Most young girls don’t need foundation or blush.  If the complexion isn’t clear, don’t cove up and clog with foundation, check out our RVB Holistic Skin care options to clear the skin before applying make up, as it can make matters worst if not removed properly.  IT IS VERY IMPORTANT ALL MAKE UP IS REMOVED AT THE END OF THE DAY.  Light glosses and natural shadows are key for younger ages.  We offer Make up consultations where the application is explained, the appropriate colours are suggested and tools recommended.  This is a great way for your daughter to learn the appropriate way to wear make up.  Heavier liners are more popular these days.  For a more natural look use shadows to line the eyes and finish with a quick brush of Mirabella Mascara.  If they insist on a stronger line, The Eye liner Marker from Mirabella ROCKS!  It is soo easy to apply and having a quick lesson on how to do it is a great idea so as not to OVER do.

When everyone is back in class , may I recommend a MENTAL HEALTH DAY FOR YOU??  Reflexology with a pedi?  Aroma Touch Massage which is at a discount this sept for only $60 Reg $75, or enjoy a crystal Grid Lay Out and Hair cut!  You name it we have the treatments and services so ease your frazzled back to school nerves!


XO to you and yours this back to school season!

