Monthly Archives: January 2016

Tips Tuesday – The Grand connection!

What do I mean when I state the Grand Connection?  Mind, Body Spirit?  Yup!  Human Beings, Creatures, Plants and The Earth?  Yup?  Us and Them?  You and Me?  AS above so Below?  Yup, Yup, Yup!

For six years I have racked my brain to find safer options for our space, more nurturing services, deeper meaning to what we do, farther reaching positive impact for our efforts to educate and more effective ways to show the connection between all of the above!

We have the joy and privilege to add yet another Canadian made product to our list of healthier alternatives for hair and skin care!




This lovely simple clean line was created out of love and awareness see here,  Motivated by the same realities that motivated me at the time of our opening of HHDS, Brian came up and has since improved upon formulas that can Simplify, Amplify while executing it’s task to Beautify!  Having recently been introduced to this amazing product line, I’m still learning its amazing multiy purpose affects!  Many of the products can be used on HAIR AND SKIN!  WOW!  Loving how we can reduce our bottles, simplify our morning regimen and guarantee less exposure to chemicals!  Just a few examples of how World can be used in multiple ways:

The Shampoo can be used as a make up remover and face wash

The conditioner can be used as a moisturizer, leave in or wash out, heat protector smoothing product and more!

I used the hair balm or pomade as a cuticle oil

We are learning more and more as we use it!  The hair spray contains natural sugar and is a pump instead of an aerosol. The whole line contains everything you need to simplify and beautify!

Want to learn more?  Pop in for a consult and learn more about how WORLD products can shift your awareness!  I am so happy that almost 75% of our lines are Canadian made and that more and more our Manufacturers and Suppliers are keeping in step with our efforts to connect the dots to how what we use on our hair and skin directly impacts our eco system!  I love how I have less people telling me I’m crazy and more people jumping on the train to sustainability!  Everything is connected, Mind Body Spirit, Our Choices and the impact on others and the planet.  Take REspons-ability for what you say, do and react like.  This is your legacy!  What will you leave behind?  An oil slick or a beautiful garden?

Happy Anniversary HHDS! KW’s 1st Eco Friendly Salon Spa and Energy Space!

happy anniversary

Happy 6th Anniversary Hybrid Hair And Detox Spa!


I am so Proud of us!  I must say I believe a lot of my personal strength was support in part by Elena Muscalu my ‘Green Family Mama’ and Facial Queen and of course my Husband, Chris Kiers for his unwaivering support mentally, emotionally and with hammer and saw with every reno I tortured him with!  My kids understanding and my sisters supportive passion have subsidized me when my own was low.

I will not lie, there have been tough times I didn’t think I could make it through.  But when I could look to no other for supplementary support what pushed me through was my Love for Mother Earth.  My commitment to my children, and their children’s future.  My passion for helping others and my commitment to bettering myself so I could prove to others that they too could persevere.

I am so grateful now for every adversity every learning curve every challenge because it made me realize every time I got back up that it really was my passion and my purpose in life to help the evolution of the industry and humanity.

I love what we do!  Our continued commitment to the environment and learning and growing in collaboration with others.  I don’t feel like I’m working when I do what I love!  Having added on the opportunity to educate more extensively through my new business The Institute For Harmonious Living, (  I have found a way to create greater awareness to the self care cause that connects us to all other things including the planet and all of its inhabitants.  As we evolve this year my focus is on greater self care acceptance by both sexes most specifically men and assisting them with embracing the importance and art of self nurturing experiences like facials, massages, manicures, pedicures and energy treatments, without judgment and or apology.  This perception should be embraced equally for men AND women.  I am excited yet again to unveil new safer and more local Canadian Made products this year as well!

Of course it wouldn’t be complete without celebrating our amazingly unique clientele!  I am so proud to have watched, against many advisers cautionary appeals about transitioning to our eco friendly concept, that our clientele is bigger, stronger and more diverse then ever.  Nothing gives me greater joy then to introduce someone to our unique space with our tour dedicated to our concept and commitment to the planet and safer experiences for the whole family. Or hearing a like minded new client showing unlimited gratitude for our very existence, Or introducing a client to a new energy, self care service or workshop experience to empower them and their loved ones.

I giggled a little when I realized I had passed our legitimate anniversary date of Jan 1st (opened Jan 1st 2010), but I realized I was lost in what I loved, which was planning the upcoming year, hiring new inspiring family members, meeting with my ‘Green Family’ (Staff) setting goals and celebrating successes,  while growing my other company IHL and enjoying last but certainly not least my family!  What better way to honor an anniversary then participating fully in what created it in the first place.

There are no words to fully capture my gratitude for this amazing experience, or for each one of you reading this blog..

But here goes,

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!


Tips Tuesday – The Mortality age gap, Men Vs Women, and why?

mens massage

There has been a theme to my rantings about how so many of us are not taking well enough care of ourselves.  It is so important that we do.  Our Mind Body and Emotions are all connected and they NEED self care to stay balanced, this is maintenance not pampering.  I have a theory, I believe it is Self Care that will be the Fountain of youth for many.  You see Men on average have died younger then women, and it is suggested this is due to the majority of men having been exposed to the rigors and stressors of full time work for generationaly longer then women.  What supports this is that as time has gone by Women have been closing the mortality gap faster and faster as more women are committing to more full time careers and exposed to the same stressors as men.  So while my theory of self care in this article specifically is directed at men, women too will benefit from it’s wisdom.

Interesting article here:


As the proud owner of K-W’s 1st Eco Friendly Salon Spa and Energy I witness many guests life struggles, stressors and celebrations.  Commonly women have been over the years more excepted in the spa setting.  This seems to be simply a cultural acceptance.  For some reason, men do not enjoy this same acceptance to forms of self care in this manner.  There is a stigma where ‘Manscaping’ might be considered high maintenance or too feminine for most testosterone bearing counter parts.  But why?  Programming, as a Holistic Life Coach, Energy Psychologist and Owner of The Institute For Harmonious Living I recognize the dysfunctional imbalance we have towards the sexes and their natural needs for nurturing.  Women traditionally are considered soft, weak, emotional, we expect them to show and share emotions, we tend to gravitate to each other to console and nurture. Men are taught to be rough tough, unemotional, don’t cry when you get hurt or look for comfort or you are considered a wimp.  Look how we have conditioned ourselves? Neither programmed belief is accurate.   Now as women step equally into the work force we have adopted the belief that to be in the ‘Man’s World’ we must adopt their behaviors of self numbing in emotion and self care.  Don’t get me wrong, I see women every day that suffer from every form of guilt you can imagine!  Mother’s Guilt, Working Guilt, Image Flaw Guilt, it’s crazy and therefore we tell ourselves we are not WORTHY of self care.  But I think you will agree that as our opposite sex roles become blurred we must look at what we are doing to support ourselves through this shift.  This way we will teach our next generation how to better maintain healthy mind, body and emotion awareness.

Lets look at what happens to our bodies with stress, many who follow this blog are familiar with Fight or Flight right?  It is a physical reaction that the body uses in cases of being under attack and releasing endorphins and hormones into the body that are only supposed to be there in case of lethal danger, but we live there voluntarily daily when we adopt stressful thinking and behaviours creating habits that trigger us all the time to react this way over and over.  This behavior is preventing the body to function normally and eventually leading the body to decay and create illness.  How do we combat this?  SELF CARE.  Self care allows the mind to stop its incessant negative chatter, relaxes muscles and allows good chemicals and hormones to flood the body with happy juice, allowing the organs to focus on their natural highly intelligent job of maintaining good health repairing and regenerating healthy cells, not being distracted with pretend dangers.  The skin is your largest organ.  Nurturing this organ with proper cleaning and moisturizing habits is no different then visiting the dentist and eating healthfully.  Pressure points under the skin can be activated through massage. reflexology and lymph drainage to assist the body in its effort to repair and detoxify.  The mind relaxes further and allows the emotions to balance allowing you to settle deeper into relaxation.  The mind is a machine and without constant supervision will create a reality you do not want.  By controlling the thoughts you control and improve your life experiences significantly.

I have invited several male friends to pop in for services to share with you their personal insight on self care.  Some had never had services like this before, others may have scoffed at it and still others were embarrassed to try it.  Luckily I know some amazing people who were willing to be part of my private study.  In the coming weeks I will share with you their feelings towards their self care experiences at HHDS.  I hope to encourage women too, to expand their regimens to more then just cuts colours and the odd nail treatments.  We have a couple amazing ideas for this year introducing opportunities for our guests to create a comfortable budget while maintaining proper self care and improving their life experiences.  Watch here for future testimonials and great promotional opportunities to sample wonderful self care services and improve your health!

See the following testimonials:

‘Okay Men!! Pedicures are not what you think they are. Imagine handing over the labor of tending to your toe nails to a professional. The Hybrid Hair & Detox Spa is THE place to go! I had the most amazing experience of my life! My feet felt absolutely amazing! Happy, happy feet!! smile emoticon You don’t have to hand in your Man card to enjoy this experience. You can even combine it with a Reflexology treatment for added benefits. Get an amazing hair cut afterwards by one of the many skilled hairstylists there. It is truly a magical place when you walk through those doors. Just go! ‘ ~Trevor S. Waterloo Ont 47 yrs

‘I went to Hybrid Hair and Detox Spa on Jan 6 2016, to get a hair cut, manicure, facial and pedicure.  When I first got there I was quickly greeted by warm inviting smiles by the staff in the salon.  I got a great hair cut which I really liked!! Next I went with Elena to get my aesthetic services done. The environment was relaxed and comfortable.  The people were very nice.  I will go back again in the future for sure.’ ~ Brett P. Mount Forest Ont 18 yrs
