Monthly Archives: February 2016

Tips Tuesday – Look to the Stars!


I have always been fascinated by Astrology!  This past full moon was a doozy for me!  Lot’s of emotion and digging up old emotional wounds, so I looked into what is was all about, here was what I found, It completely confirmed what I had experienced!

The Full Moon on Monday 22 February 2016 is at 3 degrees Virgo, in Virgo decan 1. The full moon astrology shows a culmination of tension and conflict that has been building for months and in some cases years. Full Moon February 2015 is the final moon phase in an eclipse cycle which began in September 2015.

The February 22 full moon breaks open the extreme tension of Uranus square Pluto via a rare but powerful aspect pattern. Related to the Fist of God, or Thor’s Hammer, this newly named configuration gives the opportunity to release the anger and resolve any crisis.

To read the full article follow this link!

solar eclipse

So I got thinking I should prepare for the next big shift and here it listed what to be prepared for!

The solar eclipse on Tuesday 8 March 2016 at 18°55′ Pisces falls in Pisces decan 2. The solar eclipse astrology focuses on the healing of a deep wound in your soul, represented by Chiron alongside the solar eclipse. It may be an old or new wound affecting your body, mind or spirit. Growing pains due to challenging aspect from Jupiter and Saturn are relieved by the recuperative and evolving power of Pluto. Freedom from pain allows for a spiritual transformation, the evolution of your soul.

The major theme of solar eclipse March 2016 therefore relates to a deep wound in your soul. This could be some existing physical or emotional pain, but may also indicate a new wound received following this eclipse. Other aspects in the solar eclipse March 2016 astrology chart and the lunar eclipse in two weeks time will give more detail about the nature of your wound and the healing process.

Both Chiron and Constellation Aquarius have the new age feel about them. The wounding/healing may manifest physically or emotionally but will involve a spiritual component, especially during healing. Your new start or new goals may involve natural or alternative methods but also new breakthroughs in science and technology. Air travel and the Internet have a part to play in both wounding through the spread of disease, and healing through information sharing.

Your wounding and healing journey could be in response to dramatic changes in global weather which are affecting our bodies and souls in way we cannot even image. The story of Chiron will be further understood in relation to the transition of healing from medicine, to hands, to the mind and ultimately to purely spiritual healing.

To read the full article follow this link!

Last night I held an awesome workshop about ‘The writing On Your Wall’, understanding how your past is etched into you and how it can manipulate reality now and sabotage your clear thinking and experiencing of your life.  These Astrological shifts can be harsh at times, understanding what is Written On YOUR Wall can help you see the lessons instead of being blinded by the pain of past experiences.  Becoming aware of why you do what you do and learning how to counter balance your ‘reactive ‘ behavior with a more mindful consciousness.  This approach makes big energy shifts like those from Astrological impacts less and easier to navigate.

To get a better understanding of what is Written on Your Wall, Pop in for this March Special 20% off All Holistic Life Coaching Sessions!


Tips Tuesday – Now What?!

to do list

I don’t know about you but I have a list a mile long of ‘Things I gotta Do’!  There never seems enough hours in the day.  The day starts with a list, which grows instead of shrinks, then ends with frustration and defeat, when life gets in the way and the items on the list needs to be ‘bumped’.  Or more likely the list is too long to begin with.  Probably crowded with items that are not even priorities for us, but perhaps have been placed there by others.  What is written between the lines of the to do items is judgment, expectation, disappointment.  Who is the projector of these negative feelings?  Is it you?  Your mom?  Your fourth grade teacher?  Your husband?  Your Kids?  Your Boss?  You get the picture.  Find out how to identify who and how The Writing On Your Wall got there!  Feb 23rd 6-9 Call for a seat 519-404-6627

We tend to lose site of why we are here.  We decide to agree with everyone outside of us, motivated with greed, fame, esteem, attention, popularity, appreciation and respect from others.  As our lives fly by while we rush to reach unlimited heights of everything we are told is important, we never stop to question it.  Until we hit ‘Mid-Life Crisis’ or perhaps serious illness forces us to stop or at the very least slow down, which for many feeling a lot like an all out neck breaking STOP!  For a few that are focused more on observing their lives and dissecting their actions by questioning the ingredients of what is in our collective cultural ‘KoolAid’, their experience is more peaceful, subtle and accepting of selves and others.  Either way the opportunity to redirect through the experience is met with our Free Will.  Will we Decide to see this momentary pause as the chance to fully participate in life or will we choose to hop back on the treadmill until we are ejected off the end of the ride!

The purpose of this post is to give you permission to STOP.  Question the KoolAid, and ask yourself truly, do you want a second serving, or will you pass on that last call and choose a healthier option. Maybe just Maybe, it’s ok to do this whole ‘Life‘ thing a different way!  This doesn’t happen over night.  Start with falling back in love with life experiences.  Observe EVERYTHING!  The detail on the coat of the lady standing in front of you in the elevator.  Listen to the rain till it resembles music.  Inhale deeply as soon as you step outside to smell the air, the dirt, the stone, the flowers! Sit on the couch in silence with your eyes closed, paying acute attention to what you feel.  Is there any tension in your body?  Can you focus on that part of your body and breath into that area deeply to release all the tension, focusing on each and every area in sequence.

You might be thinking ok, anyone watching me is going to think I’m crazy!  Well, trust me, you may think everyone is watching you but that is just the KoolAid Hang Over!  No offense, but everyone else is too busy thinking about how everyone else is looking at them, too busy to watch your every move.  So this freedom provides you with ample opportunity to investigate your new found child like view of the world!  And when you least expect it you’ll find it!  YOUR LIFE!

Your Welcome!


Tips Tuesday – Healthy Self Love = Heart Health! Happy V-Day XO


This is my Valentines gift to you from us at HHDS!  I posted these videos for you to understand how SELF LOVE is the first step to any other harmonious relationship.  The Relationship you have with yourself is reflected in relationships outside of you. If you completely unconditionally love and accept yourself you will be more capable of unconditionally loving and accepting others!  Fun thing is, We think we know what unconditional love is, but really very few do.  Unconditional love is the complete acceptance of others and self.  Regardless of How they behave, What they do or don’t do,Where they are in their own awareness an physical distance, Why they think the way thy do and Who they are.  There are no conditions.  Many people are not capable of loving themselves to this degree let alone others.  And to repeat, you must do this for yourself before you can experience the bliss of an unconditional relationship with another.  So where do you begin to create unconditional love for yourself and create blissful health happiness and magnetic energy to those around you attracting others that will respect you and accept you just as you are?   All of these videos will explain why it is SOOOO important to recognize the absolute necessity of Self Care.  Self Care is another way of saying, Self Love and it is the awareness of your own mind, body and spiritual state Being mindful of whether or not you are in a favorable state that supports a optimal health in all three of these areas, is what is required as a first step.  When you balance your stress, frustration, negative thoughts, your over all wellbeing and self acceptance will improve.  But NOONE ELSE can do this for you since you are the only one with access to your inner awareness which is your gauge to your over all vibrational wellbeing.  Whether you are single or in a relationship this awareness is indispensable!

If you are single becoming more aware of your inner peace or chaos will help you create greater inner awareness so you can address unhealthy inner behavior manifesting turmoil outside of you.   This will begin to reflect outside of you on a regular basis.  As this happens you begin to attract that which you desire, a balance supportive unconditional relationship.  The funny thing is , as you focus on your own health and respect your mind body spirit health, more unexpected opportunities to begin new healthy relationships will pop up unexpectedly!  So focus on your care, increase your health and be a magnet for happy new beginnings!

If you are in a relationship it is equally imperative that you focus and schedule in Self Care/Love. Relationships are a reflection of our personal health.  If you are in an unhealthy relationship void of balance, acceptance, nurturing and mutual support it is because you have STARVED yourself of these beautiful energizing needs.  As we fulfill our own needs, we rely less on others, become less of a burden, become less judgmental and in turn others feel less pressured to have to be the one to sustain you as most people barely can meet their own needs!

This is a different approach to what we have been ‘trained’ or ‘programmed’ to believe.  I have an amazing workshop called ‘The Writing On Your Wall’ coming up this February 23rd from 6-9 @AuthentikaStudio on Marsland drive, which will help you examine the ‘Programming’ on your wall of awareness that repeats unhealthy behaviors and habits that create a cycle of pain inside you and reflect outside of you in relationships personally and professionally.  To reserve a seat call 519-886-8624

Ways to show yourself Self Love/Care is to do things that make you feel light, happy, relaxed!  Walking in nature, meditation, massage, napping, reading, mani’s pedi’s, facials, energy treatments all infuse your body with feel good frequencies, that allow your mind body and spirit to relax and let the highly intelligent body to heal without the silly distractions of our mind drama created by artificial danger causing negative chemicals released into our systems.  Check out our amazing Valentines Day Promos for Self Love and Care for sngles and couples on our ‘Current Promotions’ Page.

Enjoy the videos and have a Happy Valentines Day filled with Self Love and Self Care!


Tips Tuesday – Practice What You Preach!


~Lisa Nichols, ‘Abundance Now’

As I have evolved over the 6 years I have owned HHDS I have noticed a significant improvement in my self care regimen.  As I have given myself permission and recognized more an more how as I have taken the time and invested in myself I have actually become more and more effective at everything I do/am.  I have also improved my mental, physical and emotional well being.  This has created more balance in me and so created more balance in the life I experience.

I was chatting with a good friend and fellow business owner and Holistic Practitioner, Laurie Knarr, after another exceptional Cranial Sacral Treatment.  WE discussed how as we have gotten older we have started to recognize the absolute necessity for self care.  Recognizing more and more people around us falling ill, finding it hard to maintain energy and the busy lifestyles we have all committed to.  We even realized we wished we had started sooner.  It was mutually agreed that one approach didn’t work for everyone.  For example Laurie’s approach is greatly focused on personal training, and exceeding her own personal physical limitations.  While others might see her consistent participation in a grueling physical fitness regimen, it works for her.  But what works for you?  For an amazing Cranial Sacral expereince or RMT treatment contact Laurie,,

My personal commitment looks kind of like a patchwork quilt, but it works for me!  I believe in a multi dimensional approach because we ourselves are multi dimensional beings.  I see Laurie mthly for Cranial Sacral, enjoying a relaxing experience that creates an over all physical well being while releasing blockages causing discomfort.  I see Kerstin Kramer for monthly Electromagnetic Therapy and occasionally Reiki, always eliminating the pain in my foot and making me feel peaceful and light!  Kerstin is at HHDS every Friday, call in to book an experience.  I visit Cynthia Syjueco for Body Talk and Lymphatic Drainage and enjoy a great detox of negative energy and toxins trapped in the body once a mth.  She even recently treated my Dog!  Cynthia is at HHDS every Friday, call in to book an experience.  Nyssa McDonald has offered me incredible Crystal Treatments that always astounded me with the noticeable frequency vibrations that assist with balancing my physical, mental and emotional being.  Nyssa is @ HHDS every Weds, call in for a treatment.  I have recently incorporated Emotion Code treatments offered by Christine Ball and deprivation Floats at The Rock Spa, and found it to be a wonderful release of Emotional Blocks that are holding me back and her treatments quite insightful!  I have committed to weekly Yoga sessions with Christine Cummings owner of Pure Potential Yoga, where I have enjoyed physical discipline, dexterity, flexibility, muscle/core building and many times emotional block release.  I also balance all of this with weekly visits to the gym, I try to go with my hubby and kids whenever they are willing to join me!  Of course my whole awareness transformed when I became a Certified Holistic Life Coach, and Energy Psychologist, practicing what I preach as a coach has sustained me with a plentiful tool kit of skills and awareness that is truly priceless, which is why I now teach others offering certification for both through my other business Institute For Harmonious Living,

I told you it was like a patchwork quilt, but you know what?  It works!  And I’m always on the prowl for more fascinating modalities!  I am motivated by finding the most effective options for services for our guests, but I am addicted to trying new things and evaluating what works for me and what doesn’t.  I encourage you to do the same thing.  This is what we are all about at HHDS, researching and finding safer, more effective services and products for you and your family.  Want to learn more?  Check out our workshops, or pop in for a 15 min complimentary session with one of our amazing treatment providers, who are motivated by the same desire to serve you as we are at HHDS.

 The previous picture quote helps us focus on the growing awareness for Self Care.  By becoming more responsible for our own wellbeing we become less reliant on others for nurturing, and acceptance and become more self sustaining and less of a burden.  We enjoy longer lives, healthier bodies more balanced relationships and an over all more satisfying life experience.

No one EVER regrets taking better care of themselves.  No more excuses, give yourself permission and watch yourself transform and in turn your life!