Category Archives: Canadian MAde

HHDS SPARKLES In St Jacobs, Come Join us!

Just finished baking for our Sparkles event in St Jacobs! All the local vendors are open late, and offering refreshments, and amazing deals and events, including horse drawn wagon rides! On Thursday We are launching our new beautiful Neuma organic hair care line, which is biodegradable, organic and is over 90% post consumer recycled plastic bottles!
On Friday we are excited to have beautiful live music with Ryan Dugal, and Claryssa Webb of #ANewGround beginning at 6pm to 9pm!
On Saturday we are open 8:30 till 6! Offering a great opportunity to get your family photo for holiday cards, or a new head shot with an amazing $40 package for hair wash style, make up and photo shoot!
Thurs – Sat enjoy draws, prizes and free gift bags for the first 50 clients! Call now to enjoy #EcoFriendly Christmas gift ideas, and relaxing services that provide you with the self care you need to get through the hectic Holiday season! 519-886-8624 to book your #SparkleExperience. #livemusic#photoshoot #headshots #familyphotos #StJacobs #Sparkle #Prizes #Draws#SelfCare #EcoChristmas #SaferProducts


Tips Tuesday – Eco Sun Protection!

Many people are recovering from a little to much sun over the weekend!  But it was a good long weekend wasn’t it?  So I collected a few Eco Sun Tips for you and your family to observe in this intense sunlight we have and will continue to enjoy for the rest of the season!

MY FAVORITE Lets start here I’m not good at waiting!

BIG HATS!  They are sexy, flirty and timeless!

Processed with VSCO with s2 preset Processed with VSCO with s2 preset

sunhat 2


Protective Eco Skin Care! Diego  Dalla Palma, SPF 15 and 24 hour options!



Protect your skin even more with Mineral Make up!  FitGlow, Canadian Made!

VITA-ACTIVE FOUNDATION is more than just a way to perfect skin tone but a healthy way to nourish skin with clinically proven super foods and essential vitamins. The plant based skin loving blend of Vitamin C, Botanical Hyaluronic Acid,Seaweed Brighteners and Beta-Caroteneincreases collagen production and dramatically boosts skins ability to diminish spots, freckles, hyper-pigmentation, sun damage plus improve elasticity. Daily use leaves skin clear, smooth and radiant. VITAMIN C Provides potent antioxidant protection, shielding skin from damaging free radicals, boosting collagen production and reducing brown spots. It’s prevented my usual sun spots and freckles from appearing this past.


fitglow 1



Great for kids and Canadian made!

kids hat


Don’t forget Mom and Dad!


Safer Eco Sunscreen Options


  1. Nature’s Gate Kids Mineral Sunscreen, SPF 20
  2. Juice Beauty Sport Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 30
  3. Badger Sunscreen Cream, Unscented, SPF 30
  4. The Honest Company Honest Sunscreen Stick, SPF 30
  5. California Baby Super Sensitive Sunscreen Stick, SPF 30+
  6. Seventh Generation Baby Sunscreen, SPF 30
  7. Yes to Cucumbers Natural Sunscreen Stick, SPF 30
  8. Earth’s Best Mineral Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 30
  9. TruKid Daily Sunscreen Face & Body Stick, SPF 30
  10. COOLA Suncare Body Plant UV Sunscreen Moisturizer, Unscented, SPF 30

To see all the safest sunscreens, check out either Best Beach & Sport Sunscreens or Best Moisturizers with SPF.


  • High-SPF (SPF values of greater than 50+) products are misleading to the public and may result in people not applying sunscreen often enough.
  • Retinyl palmitate, a form of vitamin A, may speed up the development of skin tumors and lesions, plus because vitamin A is found in so many products, toxicity due to excessive exposure may result. Vitamin A safety is a huge debate and not everyone agrees that vitamin A is a hazard.
  • Sunscreen is just one way to protect yourself from the sun.

Protect your eyes!


To best protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful UV and HEV rays, always wear good quality sunglasses when you are outdoors.

Look for sunglasses that block 100 percent of UV rays and that also absorb most HEV rays. Youroptician can help you choose the best sunglass lenses for your needs.

To protect as much of the delicate skin around your eyes as possible, try at least one pair of sunglasses with large lenses or a close-fitting wraparound style.

And of course who could forget the timeless option , the parasol!



BDDDCE An attractive young African woman holding a multi coloured umbrella sitting on a sandy beach with a blue sea in the background.. Image shot 07/2009. Exact date unknown.

Check out this lovely sophisticated version on Ebay!


No matter how you enjoy the sun, do it safely!  Apply sunscreen regularly or if you have aversions to SPF wear long light sleeves and utilize the sexy big brims and pretty parasols!  Either way you can have fun in the sun and be safe too!




Tips Tuesday – Happy 80th Birthday David Suzuki!

David Suzuki

Everyone knows we are K-W’s First Eco Friendly Salon, Spa and Energy Space.  But do they understand why?  Every knows I have started a new company called ‘The Institute For Harmonious Living’ , but do they know why?

I grew up watching The Nature of Things.  I loved it, it was one of my favorite shows, it was the 80’s version of Kratts Creatures!  As I have grown up with David I have witnessed a transformation in him.  He started out curious, became aware and concerned about our impact on the planet and then started doing something about it.  This brings me back to the ‘whys’ I listed earlier.  I started out curious, ended up waking up from our cultural pablum we are served and then had to do something about it.  Not feeling good at work myself made me realize there had to be something wrong with products I was using.  It had to be making me feel that way, so then what was it doing to my clients, my water, my planet?  As I become more educated It became more and more clear someone had to do something?!  There were other people like me who simply ‘Trusted’ that someone, somewhere was regulating the things we used, bought, ate, slathered on our skin.  Right?  So by becoming more aware, more educated I became empowered, and I followed where it led me.  To create HHDS.  But it didn’t stop there, I realized as I’m sure David Suzuki did when his daughter complained as a child that ‘they might as well give up cause the world was going to end anyway’, that it wasn’t enough to just make noise to draw attention to a concerning cause.  You have to educate others, motivate others through positive action and inspiring example.  And so The Institute OF Harmonious Living was born.  What’s the connection?  As I attempted to ‘make noise’ with the salon I recognized that people were too buys, too stressed, too numbed out to do anything more.  They figured well I’m recycling, isn’t that enough?  Why cant the big corporations do more?  (I do agree with that last one!) But in reality it takes each one of us to do more.  But if you are already in overwhelm, how can you muster the energy to take action?  Through Coaching, Public Speaking, and training others, I can assist each participant in better connecting to their own needs, and in turn connecting to the needs of others and in turn the planet.  Through Self Care awareness and a stronger understanding of how our minds work to create our reality, we can literally ‘Re’ Program ourselves to be healthier, happier and in turn more conscious of our impact on others and Mother Earth.

It came to my attention that David Suzuki is celebrating his 80th Birthday and what better way then to commit to doing more to make our planet healthier.  The following links will take to stories of David’s journey and to an amazing program to protect and preserve the planet and ALL of it’s inhabitants!  ENJOY!

Don’t forget to book your Coaching Sessions in now for the month of MARCH 20% off all coaching sessions with me!

Happy Birthday David!

happy birthday

Tips Tuesday – The Grand connection!

What do I mean when I state the Grand Connection?  Mind, Body Spirit?  Yup!  Human Beings, Creatures, Plants and The Earth?  Yup?  Us and Them?  You and Me?  AS above so Below?  Yup, Yup, Yup!

For six years I have racked my brain to find safer options for our space, more nurturing services, deeper meaning to what we do, farther reaching positive impact for our efforts to educate and more effective ways to show the connection between all of the above!

We have the joy and privilege to add yet another Canadian made product to our list of healthier alternatives for hair and skin care!




This lovely simple clean line was created out of love and awareness see here,  Motivated by the same realities that motivated me at the time of our opening of HHDS, Brian came up and has since improved upon formulas that can Simplify, Amplify while executing it’s task to Beautify!  Having recently been introduced to this amazing product line, I’m still learning its amazing multiy purpose affects!  Many of the products can be used on HAIR AND SKIN!  WOW!  Loving how we can reduce our bottles, simplify our morning regimen and guarantee less exposure to chemicals!  Just a few examples of how World can be used in multiple ways:

The Shampoo can be used as a make up remover and face wash

The conditioner can be used as a moisturizer, leave in or wash out, heat protector smoothing product and more!

I used the hair balm or pomade as a cuticle oil

We are learning more and more as we use it!  The hair spray contains natural sugar and is a pump instead of an aerosol. The whole line contains everything you need to simplify and beautify!

Want to learn more?  Pop in for a consult and learn more about how WORLD products can shift your awareness!  I am so happy that almost 75% of our lines are Canadian made and that more and more our Manufacturers and Suppliers are keeping in step with our efforts to connect the dots to how what we use on our hair and skin directly impacts our eco system!  I love how I have less people telling me I’m crazy and more people jumping on the train to sustainability!  Everything is connected, Mind Body Spirit, Our Choices and the impact on others and the planet.  Take REspons-ability for what you say, do and react like.  This is your legacy!  What will you leave behind?  An oil slick or a beautiful garden?