Tag Archives: Crystals

Tips Tuesday – How Reiki, Crystals and Essential Oils can help ease SAD

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression, winter blues, summer depression or seasonal depression, is a mood disorder subset in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms at the same time each year, most commonly in the winter.

Yesterday all I heard about was ‘Blue Monday’ and how it is considered the saddest day of the year.  In response I wanted to offer some Holistic approaches that are easily accessible and affordable.  Keeping in mind simply hearing about it all day can have a negative affect on us as words have the ability to affect our health and mood as well, google Dr Emoto’s experiments!

I have experienced depression and SAD FIRST HAND!  Before owning HHDS I had a few consecutive years where I knew I HATED winter and found myself spiraling into despair more as each year went by but usually peaking in the winter.  I had never heard of SAD, but a coworker suggested it might be the affects of this lack of exposure to the sun and suggested a tanning bed.  Against my better judgement I was desperate and despite my having close family members with Skin cancer and having sensitive skin, I did it, and it seemed to work.  The following year I took over the salon I worked in, made it Green and took my first Energy Healing lesson, Reiki Level 1, and I have not suffered the affects of SAD since.  Over the past 7 years I have delved into the Holistic Health and Wellness pool, devouring all the knowledge I could.  Ultimately attaining Master Level for Reiki, up to 3rd level in Shamballa, Celtic Reiki, Crystal Therapy and Becoming a Holistic Life Coach and Certification Instructor.  While my curiosity grew as I became  more and more aware of the profound positive affects this training has provided me with and subsequently my clients and staff, I have come to realize that empowering others with this knowledge is part of my purpose.

Many people think that SAD is just seasonal, and for the most part it can be noticed more during the months we have less exposure to Vitamin ‘D’.  Although anyone with Mental Health sensitivities can experience SAD more frequently then those who don’t , anyone can actually suffer from it.

It can become a vicious circle with low moods (lowering our over all frequency of the body) We crave or attract like a magnet equally low vibrating activities and foods

Of course this inevitably causes a negative chain reaction through our whole lives.

Main Stream Medicine has offered a solution with the SAD Lamp, offering much needed light from it’s radiance that mimics the light we would normally receive from the sun, and still others misdiagnose as a more permanent form of depression and will prescribed Depression medication.  I have tried depression medication, I prefer an empowerment approach where I have more control, being that I am a control freak, this would explain my own approach.  This in no way implies anyone on medication is wrong, but I do challenge you to try these following options before making a definitive choice!  I LOVE Skeptics, but to make a true Skeptic, a healthy one is one that is educated and open minded!  I myself am a skeptic  currently and will always be.  It is smart to question and test theories, then judge for yourself!

The same light exposure from the Sun, and that I found helped me during my Tanning Bed experience is present in greater quantities through a Reiki treatment.  Only with Reiki there are NO negative side affects.  ZERO.  So there is nothing to lose and everything to gain from trying it.  A Reiki treatment is performed by an attuned Reiki Practitioner, on a treatment table/bed fully clothed for anywhere from 15 mins to an hour.  For more severe cases a full hour is recommended.  The process is very relaxing and you notice positive impacts immediately.  As time goes by through subsequent visits you begin to recognize when you need a treatment.  You will become so aware of how you feel day to day that you will start to feel when you need another treatment.  Some people may feel deterred by the repetitive nature and expense of this treatment, however it is no more so then refilling a prescription or purchasing a lamp and replacing bulbs.  Keeping in mind Reiki can be enjoyed with no conflicting reactions during a prescription or using a SAD lamp. for even greater and long lasting affects.  However if you are enjoying Reiki and you want access to that healing energy any time, get attuned yourself!  Having the atonement allows you to self treat not just for SAD but for any headache, upset stomach, sprained muscle, for you and now you can offer it to your family and friends!

Want to learn more about Reiki?  Contact Kerstin Kramer, owner of Natural Health Touch offering Reiki Attunement at Hybrid Hair and Detox Spa, our next Level 1 Class is this coming Saturday Jan 21st 2017 from 9-4.  To sign up call us at 519-886-8624 or contact Kerstin @ info@naturalhealthtouch.com.

Crystals are incredible tools to combat SAD as well,  one of the best being the ‘SunStone’.  What makes crystals so effective is their molecular frequency.  Everything is made up of molecules, including us.  When pain dis-ease or imbalances occurs it is due to the interruption of frequency in the corresponding area.  Like tuning a piano, choosing a matching Crystal will, ‘re-tune’ or rebalance the affected area when worn close to or directly on the body.  Sensitive scientific frequency measuring tools are used to test these theories and have proved effectiveness.  Crystal classes are also available to learn more, including soon to be posted at HHDS for the basic understanding and use of these natural healing tools.  These too can be used in correlation with traditional medicines and approaches with no conflicting side affects, and they will expedite healing.

Essential Oils can play a role in your self care as well.  Citrus based oils and blends like ‘Joy’ from Doterra can boost your mood during the day and can travel easily in your purse for access whenever you need it.  Using essential oils should be careful and educated, some oils can only be used on the skin and infused into the air, others can be ingested, so having a class before use is recommended, or consulting with an Essential oil educator.  If your skin is sensitive using a traveler oil like coconut or olive oil is recommended.  This too can be enjoyed by the whole family and provides you with yet another option to support your traditional medical approach if you wish.  However make sure you share with your practitioner what oils you use as reactions to current prescriptions or new ones can happen.

Without decreasing the magnitude of health affects from physical activity, getting outside to expose yourself to as much vitamin D as you can this time of year, I wanted to expand your prospects with self empowering and self implemented tools that might not have been in your tool kits of Self Care options.  Now you can add more to your repertoire for you and your family!

Want to try Reiki or crystals in a service?  We offer both for just $1 a minute, book your Energy work service in between you hair and skin services or on it’s own, you won’t be disappointed!


Tips Tuesday – Radio Silence! Ooops! Tuning Back in!

radio static

Tips Tuesday – Radio Silence! Ooops! Tuning Back in!

Wow!  It’s been a wild ride for a few weeks!  I tend to be a pretty intense person.  I don’t just ASK how you are doing I want to know every detail, why you feel that way and how we can improve it!

 So what happens when the wires cross, the station loses connection, you go off the tracks, you get the idea.  This is what happened to me! It happens to everyone once in a while!  It turns into a crazy downward spiral as your thoughts get the best of you, how everyone and everything has done you wrong, how victimized you feel, how everything you touch turns to s#!%.  Well I rode that train now for a couple weeks, getting so distracted I found myself forgetting my own skills and tools to redirect, rebalance and reboot myself.  I am so grateful though, because through all of this I was reminded of how easy it is to fall back into old traits old behaviors.  It reminded me of how easy it is to get back on the right track too, adding that people who have never found their right flow can easily find it with guidance.  It reminded me of the negative thought patterns that can try to convince you that you are stuck, hopeless, helpless, and alone, that are all lies, but seem quite convincing at the time when your frequency is low.

It was a succession of family emergencies, a fall inducing great physical pain, a busy season for HHDS, efforts to maintain two businesses with The Institute For Harmonious Living and then the inevitable Technology failure.  Two websites inaccessible at once.  Dunt Dunt Duuuuuuuh.  For my overwhelmed system it was all too much and tight chest, bad eating habits, lack of sleep, fight and flight, physical pain from the fall all began to ensue the onslaught of depression and grief began.  Reminding me of the loss of my father, the distance from family, the efforts in vain to keep two buisnesses floating.  I even started noticing a cold trying to sneak in the back door!  So what did I do?????  You won’t bevel it.  You ready?…….


I got a long over due hair cut, a pedicure, I had a long soak in a Himalayan salt and baking soda bath, I wore crystals EVERYWHERE, used essential oils, meditated, did EFT in the shower, did yoga, started juicing, got re inspired through links to Mindvalley, and did a couple of angel card readings just for me, while reminding myself of all of the tools I had at my disposal to be well and stay well.  How empowering.  Not once did I have to reach outside of myself to feel better.  If anything when I did indulge that lower vibration addict to share my grief and complain during breif weak moments the whoa-is-me story, it actually made me feel worst.

So no, there is no magic pill to feel/get better.  But it doesn’t cost anything once you have mastered the basics in self care, and you don’t have to make an appointment with a Dr and get a prescription or even leave the house.  There are so many tools at your disposal, and you can build on your tool kit by learning Reiki, reading self care books you are intuitively drawn to, by finding Alternative Health Care practitioners and service providers like HHDS to offer you Reiki infused services that can enhance your empowerment self care tool kit!

Now don’t get me wrong, I believe in daily regimens to keep a person balanced and strong, and for the most part unshakable, however life doesn’t always throw the same patterns at you, sometimes everything happens at once and even the most seasoned self care guru can be toppled.  This is a good reminder of how we are all equal, and human.

I shared this vulnerable Tips Tuesday because I know better then anyone the emotional impact events in our lives can have, how seasons can affect us, how feeling hopeless can feel like a bottomless pit.  Before I attained Reiki Level one and opened HHDS my reality was very different from now, I did not have the tools and skills to bring myself out. Strangely from the outside my life could have looked rather perfect to many while on the inside storms brewed!  But from that helpless place I found hints here and there to stash away for a later day when it would be useful again to me, and now to you, through our services at HHDS and the Coaching, Workshops and Certification Programs to empower you through The institute For Harmonious Living, (instituteforharmoniousliving.com)

My goal is to show you and your family that there are options, there is hope and illness in all of it’s forms, mind, body and spirit, are more then just manageable.  Your reality really is in your hands and as each person recognizes this, the implications on the world is profound healing and peace.

WE here at HHDS and at the Institute For Harmonious Living are here for you to begin your own Self Care Healing journey.  If I can do it anyone can!  Are you ready?



calm listening

mental health week #1

Archived Tips Tuesday June

Tips Tuesday – Getting Reconnected This Summer!

Earth 2

am SOOO Looking forward to Meeting up with all of you Saturday July 11th @ 3pm at Moses Springer Park!

Join meetup.com to become a member of our ‘Pursuit Of Happiness Meet Up Group!’

This is a power packed meetup group with extraordinary information and actual workshops which will transform your life to greater heights mentally, physically and spiritually.

If you do what you always have done, you will always get what you always gotten.

• Are you Happy with your life? … All areas of your life?
• Are you willing to settle for that?
• Are you willing to settle for less than you can be?

The Life Makeover Meetup is for men and women who are serious about taking their lives to a higher level. If this is you and you are serious; As a Life and Business Coach, Author, Speaker, Reiki Master, Entrepreneur I can help guide you through the process of:

Becoming crystal clear about:

• Who you are
• What you want and Why
• How to achieve it
• Developing a written plan for your life
• Improving your beliefs, goals, self-concept, and dreams
• Achieving your enhanced goals and dreams

Group participation is limited in size to 20 to allow time for discussion with everyone in the group.

Since the summer is my FAVORITE time of year and I feel we are all so intrinsically connected to our planet I felt it was so important for us to get out in nature, IF of course Mother Nature cooperates with us so the weather will be warm and dry!  Future meetups will continue this trend outside however the tentative dates and locations are : Thursday July 16th 6-8 @ Waterloo Park (Back up location Hybrid Hair and Detox Spa) Thursday July 30th 6-8 @ Waterloo Park (Back up location Hybrid Hair and Detox Spa) Saturday August 15 3-5 @ Moses Springer Park (Back up location Hybrid Hair and Detox Spa)

Please let me know if these dates work for you or not!  In the Fall we will go back to indoor meet ups at my Home, in the mean time let me know what nights work best for you!

I look forward to introducing myself more effectively in person, however my connection to our impact on our planet runs deeper then my favorite season.  I have owned and operated K-W’s 1st Eco Friendly Salon and Spa for over 5 years now.  My observation in my industry has reflected in every person sitting in my chair for over 20 years.  We are becoming more and more disconnected from each other and the planet, which is a fundamental NEED that we all carry with us as human beings.  We are pack animals, we need to stay connected to the planet and each other to stay happy, healthy and balanced.  As we neglect our planet and our relationships to others and ourselves, we become more and more dysfunctional and unhealthy.  My goal with you this summer is get us reconnected to both Mother Earth and each other.  This step is VERY important as a first step towards our true deep unwavering happiness.  As each meet up evolves we will delve deeper and deeper into what creates balanced relationships at home, with friends, family and in our careers and work places.  We will discover how we have the power to create a happier existence and how we have been creating our reality in a manner that has, up till now, been in an unconscious manner.  Reclaim your power and start manifesting the reality you truely want!

I look forward to meeting up with you!

Hugs and Kisses!


mental health week #1

Tips Tuesday – Why Are We Here?

Tips Tuesday – Why Are We Here?

Earth 2

HHMMM Loaded question!  Well I have a few theories!

We are here to:




Fall Down

Get Back Up

Push our limits

And Find out we have none, other then the ones we create for ourselves

Help others

By Helping ourselves

Get Lost

While finding ourselves


Be Loved

wedding pic

Here’s how I like to do these things:

I like to feel good about who I am by taking good care of myself inside and out

I like to forgive myself and others for not being perfect, because perfect is boringand unrealistic

I like to learn ALOT so I can do and be better then I was yesterday

I like to share what I have learned with others to help them grow, just like I learned from others to help me grow

I like to find easier, safer, more joyful things, places, people, experiences

#nails #skin care #Eco Friendly

I put these things into play every day by:

Meditating, Exercising, Eating healthy, listening to my body when it calls to me with dis-ease and imbalance, and nurture myself with self care treatments, like massage, energy treatments walks in nature and lots of rest.

Taking it easy on myself when I’m not 100% on my game knowing that must mean I need a break, taking it easy on others when they are not 100% knowing that must mean they need some self care too.  This is otherwise known as forgiveness.

I love to Read and take classes it keeps my life exciting and my future promising new adventures and the promise of meeting new people every day.

I love sharing my exeriences with others so that they can benefit from the knowledge I have collected that has made my life and relationships more complete.  We can all take turns propelling humanity forward to a more balanced conscious awareness of our impact on each other and the planet by sharing guidance with each other.

i am amazed every day with how this style of living keeps me happy, fulfilled and full of peace and joy.  Not long ago my goal was to feel peace joy and tranquility.  I kept looking for it outside myself.  It took some time but I found it.  Right here inside me, and if you look deep enough you will find it in you too.

Life coaching

I would love to help if you will let me …

Upcoming class for for the end of June include:

Weds June 24 live blood analysis, learn about what your blood can tell you about your health $10

Saturday June 27 become a certified reiki practitioner offer healing energy to loved ones or even start a practice.

Saturday June 27 from 1:30-2:30 $10 learn the basics about crystal therapy and how this inexpensive natural option is an essential tool for your medicine cabinet.  Lessen your medicine intake with natural healing options.

no more medicine mama

Call to reserve Seats 519-886-8624

mental health week #1

Tips Tuesday – List of 10 + 1 things to Remember not to Forget!

Tips Tuesday – List of 10 + 1 things to Remember not to Forget!

1- The longest you should go between hair cuts is maximum 2 months split ends are not repairable, trimming off dry ends prevents hair’Running’ like nylons and damaging healthy hair and prevents ‘Amputation”

2 – The least often you should get facials is seasonally minimum, each season leave sit’s mark! Spring to remove Winter dryness and dull finish on skin, Summer to moisturize and nourish skin to enhance it’s ability to regenerate and protect itself throughout summer, Fall to remove summer damage from uv and oil build up, winter to to moisturize and nourish skin to enhance it’s ability to regenerate and protect itself throughout the harsh dry winter months.

3 – Waxing lasts 2-4 wks sometimes as long as 6 weeks depending on how quickly your hair grows.  Hair grows faster in the summer.  Hair growth goes through cycles, including dormant stage so once in a while you will see slower growing then others.

4- Mineral makeup is better for you.  It re-mineralizes the skin AND has natural zinc syn protection!  make sure you keep your brushes clean because mineral makeup especially FitGlow, has no preservatives which is GREAT!  But it means you have to clean your brushes regularly to avoid introducing biological agents from your skin that could create bacteria growth.  Mineral make up is from mineral which is non living, but skin tissue and oil is and left unattended to causes bacteria.

5- DO THROW OUT OLD PRODUCT THAT HAS EXPIRED! I don’t normally encourage throwing stuff out, BUT old product for hair and skin could cause irritation, infection and worst, due to some questionable ingredients can become carcinogens affecting your respiratory system.

6- You SHOULD share your healthy green products with your family.  It has been proven that our children have more toxins in their bodies then we do.  Some infants are born with more toxins then their grandparents.

7- Do moisturize your skin right after washing, the pores are more open after washing with war water so applying ,moisturizer immediately allows for more effective absorption  Applying an anti aging serum before bed has more impact on regenerating cells then during the day.

8- Deep conditioning treatments DO protect your hair and extend the time between cuts and preserves your colour.  Think of a sponge that is pores like your hair.  a full sponge is plump and fat, as your hair should be, as well the cuticle should be close.  If the hair is dry and brittle the cuticle is open and the colour slips out fade and the hair breaks.  By filling the hair with moisture you ensure a happy cuticle, happy ends and happy colour!

9- Everyone is Oil Crazy these days!  Oil in moderation is good, BUT think of how oil and water repel each other.  Water is moisture and if you use too much oil you could repel the moisture and dry out your hair more!  (See above)  If your hair is already dry only use oil to define ends after styling and only a little bit.

10- If you want your hair and skin to glow, your smile to gleam and your body to stay toned and defy aging, practice yoga and meditation daily.  It’s proven that stress ages, makes you skin and cause weight gain, dull skin and hair.  Practicing self care regimens as listed above prevents these traditionally accepted forms of aging and provides you with energy to burn!

11- Learn to love, accept and care for yourself.  Learning something new keeps your brain busy and healthy, learning new things that enhance your life experience allows you for a more passionate life, learning to be more self sufficient with your own needs makes you less of a burden on others.  By leading a more independent life you become less of a victim of life and more of an effective contributor to making this world a better place.

Last call for workshops and classes until September of 2015!  Check out our list or call in for deets! 519-886-8624

Join our 21 day yoga challenge with Christine Polak 7-8 from July 6 – 26  in front of HHDS!

Check her out at http://www.facebook.com/liveyourpurepotential and contact her for more info at liveyourpurepotential@gmail.com




Tips Tuesday – Giving Back

Tips Tuesday – Giving Back

I have had some people ask why I don’t use an organization to work through to donate our Tree annually, my response is the I don’t get to be there. I actually get teary eyed every year without fail watching the kids at each school paticipate!  If we are not there we don’t get to share our message.  This is no small thing.  Anyone can plant a tree, even though not enough of us do, but what message is sent with that? We are all so cuaght up on our own heads do we notice when a tree is planted or cut down?   My heart breaks every time I see a tree cut down, the response is ‘We needed the room, it was in the way’.  Or when I drive down Ira Needle to see trees that had been planted along the side of the road just the year before torn up for road work, or not watered so they die the same season.

When we donate a tree, we ask around for a school in need of one.  We then contact them and ask to be present for the planting.  I have been met with gratitude, surprise and in some occasions impatience.  I realize we are all busy but this is a priority.  I know that donating one tree a year can’t make up for the thousands cut down every year.  What I am trying to do is create awareness.  If we can show others that this form of effort is worthy of us all gathering around for a moment to revere the majesty of this life giving miracle, perhaps others will recognize this and be motivated to do the same.  If we are not present for the planting we become an obscure name over the school pa system, over in a moment.  If we are present our efforts to create awareness about our environmental state has power.  Each of our staff takes time out of their day to be there.  To honor the celebration of the tree.  A symbolism of life, a life giving gift to us all.  Without trees we would have no oxygen, no shade, less, fruit, less building material, and on and on and on.  At HHDS we spend EVERY DAY, offering safer nurturing services and experiences to our guests, reminding them that they MUST care for themselves, we expand that awareness to our planet by showing our guests, and our community that we must show care for our environment.  This is all intrinsically connected.

We all need to slow down, to take a breath to live in the moment, to look around and ask ourselves what are we teaching our children about self care, and in turn caring about our planet.  A guest who comes in to our space who learnes this lesson goes out to the community and becomes an example to others and it spreads like an epidemic.  Yes, this is my goal, to become an ECO epidemic, sweeping the nation creating a consciousness whose side affects consist of unconditional self love, acceptance, care, awareness and in turn these same side affects will be enjoyed by the entire planet in how we chose to treat each other and how we impact our planet.

Will you be the next to be infected?




I want to thank Jean Steckle Public School, Especially Brian and Karen,  for their kind welcome and accetance of our two trees this year and I’m excited to watch the Kindergarten class grow up with our trees!  Very excited to learn that like me Jean Steckle was a farm girl with environmental consciouness in her blood, how fitting that we be able to honour her memory with our donation and awareness of Eco Concept!

Tips Tuesday – Angel Card Readings



As a sample of how Angel Card Readings work, I have provided you with a reading today, the card pictured above, provided by Cheryl Richardson’s Self Care Card Deck, is drawn for everyone as a form of heavenly guidance of Self Care from above. Some people prefer Tarot readings however one must remember, Angels are non-denominational, any religion or atheist can have a connection to angels regardless of belief.
Here the card stressed recognizing priorities. Many of us have a mental list of our top 5, but do we live this list? Many of us put health or family at the top, however with the distractions of technology and lack of physical activity and physical ‘self care’ we are not necessarily living in alignment with our beliefs. Needing to learn when to say ‘no’ is a big part of self care. Burning the candle at both ends serves no purpose other then making us drained, sick and alienated from family. Committing to too many social activities turns us into stress magnets trying to meet the demands, having no down time, even dropping the balls and coming across scattered to our friends and family who have depended on our being reliable to what we have committed to. It also means knowing when to say ‘Yes’! To things that feel right, like that bubble filled tub with a side of ‘glass-o-wine, or the Man\pedi promo at HHDS, or energy work that clears the blockages and balances our scattered energy and nerves. To that bike ride with the kids, or playing a board game on the floor instead of everyone gong their separate ways watching tv in their own rooms or glued to technology screens. Learn what your Priorities are, if you are in alignment to them and when to say no to those things that don’t feel right and yes to those things that feel right.

Where these cards play a significant role in self care is as a gentle reminder of living in our highest purpose of our life here. They guide us back to what matters and where we need to focus to manifest the best possible life we can. We tend to focus on the outside physical world for all the answers, guidance and results giving our power away when in reality it all happens within. ‘As within so without.’ These cards used as guiding messages from our Angels, guides and Guardian Angels, offer a constant stream of loving messages to gently guide you back to the path of optimal health and life purpose.

Angel Card readings can be enjoyed at HHDS for $30 for 30mins or $60 for one hour. They are an awesome compliment to Holistic Life Coaching sessions and energy treatment session but can be enjoyed individually as well.

Tip Tuesday – Skin Care

We have talked a lot lately about energy work to care for our inner beauty, today we are sharing pointers on how to care for your largest Organ! Your Skin! Most of us take our skin for granted. At HHDS we are very aware of what we put on your skin as it is absorbed directly into the blood stream through this protective layer of Epidermis! We use RVB Holistic skin care which boasts the lowest preservative ingredient ratio, and the preservatives they do use are plant, vegetable and fruit based. It is essential to cleanse make up and debris off your skin every night. The best time to apply serum is at night when your skin regenerates the most and use a moisturizer for the season. Winter needs more moisture, summer a little less weight one is recommended. SPF 10 moisturizers are available for day time use, I prefer to use Mirabella Mineral Make up for my sun screen for the face, as it has natural Zinc powder to provide great spf protection.
Wearing a hat, and not going outside from 1-5 during the hottest parts of the day is recommended for summer, as sun tanned skin is actually damaged skin.
PROTECT THE MONEY MAKER!! Every Friday is Facial Friday! 20% off all facials, Glow, Holistic and our Organic Natural Namaste Facial where we use all natural ingredients from the local Natural Food store to create honey, avocado and oatmeal customized facial experiences!

#nails #skin care #Eco Friendly

Tips Tuesday – Thank You

As I return back to work after a leave of absence during my Father’s last few days with us, I am moved to show gratitude for the incredible ‘Green’ Family I have at HHDS for their support, love and understanding while they tackled the Salon and Spa on their own. Each one of these incredible women are examples of Love through and through. I am blessed to have you, we have incredible miracles to create together you and I.
To my patient, understanding clients, who feel more like an extension of my family, I share my gratitude as well, as many of you got bounced around or showed faith and trust to visit another stylist in my absence. For those who did, you were no doubt in good hands, and for those who rescheduled perhaps several times to wait for me you are all so wonderful and kind in your prayers and kind words in support of my family through this difficult time.
I missed a couple of Tips Tuesdays, perhaps this being the most profound. As you know I have posted several regarding ‘Self Care’ it is my strong belief that by taking the time to take genuine ‘Care’ of ourselves we are more effective, more nurturing, more patient, more healthy, then if we didn’t take this precious self nurturing time. I am reminded once again of the story of the Flight Steward who instructs us to place the oxygen mask on our own faces before our accompanying children. At fist I was mortified, how selfish, how inappropriate. Really? How absolutely essential!? If you are not safe and functioning, how can you care for your child? This is in reference to every part of your existence, your job, your relationships, your health. YOU MUST CARE FOR SELF. Going to work sick, overlooking your own symptoms to care for another’s, while these things seem admirable they are simply not and are if nothing else simply selfish and hurtful to your loved ones who need you functioning at your best. You become an ineffective worker, a drained caregiver with a short fuse, an ill individual incapable of caring for yourself. WE (HHDS) are here for you to learn more on how to do this. We are setting up classes starting soon on the basic steps to start performing self care on yourself and teach your children how to as well for the betterment of future more balanced generations. We are expanding and diversifying our Mind Body and Spirit care services for you to enjoy. Come in to enjoy some today.

Finally my Tip for this week. Hug and say ‘I Love You’ to your loved ones, your friends, a stranger who needs it. Everyone is someone’s Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, Daughter. Share the love, My Father was one to show affection easily, hugs, hand shakes, kisses, and I love your’s were always a part of our lives. It is healing and strengthening. Whether you enjoyed this before this moment or not is irrelevant. From this point on Share the Love, it is the best tribute I could offer you in the name of my Dad. Happy Father’s day, I love you Dad!

Tips Tuesday – Crystal Therapy


As everything is made up of molecules including crystals, which are vibrating at the unique rate to the species of crystal. Our bodies are vibrating at a unique rate as is each individual organ. When the molecules are vibrating at the proper rate then the matter or object they create is in good working order. So if the molecules that make up your lungs are vibrating correctly your lungs are healthy, if they are not vibrating at the proper rate the lungs are experiencing a form of dis-ease. ‘Traditional’ Medicine (considered conventional medicine even though traditional medicine is accurately the holistic form of treating the body in a natural manner with plants and other natural items like crystals was around far before our man made forms of medicine considered now to be traditional medicine) addresses strictly the physical in many ways, addressing illness with medicines and surgery, kind of like a bandaid or like trying to catch the race horse already out of the gate. What creates Dis-ease or an imbalance of molecular vibration is actually caused by chakra blockages caused by energetic experiences the body has had. Energy in the form of our thoughts, food, other toxins brought into the body from pollution or smoking, relationship problems with self like depression or relations with others, (look up heart chakra in relation to lung health).
To keep this as brief as possible I will list some recommended reading for you to assist with your path of knowledge in the crystal healing modality. Crystals placed on or near a dis-eased area vibrating at the correct rate that the dis-eased area should be vibrating at, helps release the blocks in this area and re-calibrate the area to the proper rate that the matching crystal offers to tune it like a piano. So regular retuning of your chakras with Crystals is a great way to keep yourself balanced in each area of your mental, physical and emotional being, along with healthy eating and activity choices.
A Crystal Therapist is trained to sense the dis-eased area of your being through questions and answer, and energetic testing to address the area of concern and can place crystals around you in a special grid layout while you are fully clothed in a prone position on a treatment table. During this treatment you will be very relaxed, you may experience varying degrees of sensations ranging from a comfortable level of heat, tingling, twitching, emotional release, peace, and pressure among some other things which are all a natural reaction to energetic blockage release.
I encourage you to delve further into this natural form of health maintenance as it is a fun, inexpensive way to maintain your health and well-being for yourself and your loved ones. I encourage you to read ‘The Crystal Bible’ available at Chapters, ‘No More Medicine Mama’ for kids and visit places like ‘The Rock Spa’ on Victoria Road for beautiful Crystal specimens to heal with and decorate your home for good energy or FengShui.

We are proud to be able to offer Crystal Therapy Treatments with our own Jess Savage Certified Crystal Therapist, Book now for an appointment, 519-886-8624.

no more medicine mama

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