Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tips Tuesday – How Reiki, Crystals and Essential Oils can help ease SAD

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression, winter blues, summer depression or seasonal depression, is a mood disorder subset in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms at the same time each year, most commonly in the winter.

Yesterday all I heard about was ‘Blue Monday’ and how it is considered the saddest day of the year.  In response I wanted to offer some Holistic approaches that are easily accessible and affordable.  Keeping in mind simply hearing about it all day can have a negative affect on us as words have the ability to affect our health and mood as well, google Dr Emoto’s experiments!

I have experienced depression and SAD FIRST HAND!  Before owning HHDS I had a few consecutive years where I knew I HATED winter and found myself spiraling into despair more as each year went by but usually peaking in the winter.  I had never heard of SAD, but a coworker suggested it might be the affects of this lack of exposure to the sun and suggested a tanning bed.  Against my better judgement I was desperate and despite my having close family members with Skin cancer and having sensitive skin, I did it, and it seemed to work.  The following year I took over the salon I worked in, made it Green and took my first Energy Healing lesson, Reiki Level 1, and I have not suffered the affects of SAD since.  Over the past 7 years I have delved into the Holistic Health and Wellness pool, devouring all the knowledge I could.  Ultimately attaining Master Level for Reiki, up to 3rd level in Shamballa, Celtic Reiki, Crystal Therapy and Becoming a Holistic Life Coach and Certification Instructor.  While my curiosity grew as I became  more and more aware of the profound positive affects this training has provided me with and subsequently my clients and staff, I have come to realize that empowering others with this knowledge is part of my purpose.

Many people think that SAD is just seasonal, and for the most part it can be noticed more during the months we have less exposure to Vitamin ‘D’.  Although anyone with Mental Health sensitivities can experience SAD more frequently then those who don’t , anyone can actually suffer from it.

It can become a vicious circle with low moods (lowering our over all frequency of the body) We crave or attract like a magnet equally low vibrating activities and foods

Of course this inevitably causes a negative chain reaction through our whole lives.

Main Stream Medicine has offered a solution with the SAD Lamp, offering much needed light from it’s radiance that mimics the light we would normally receive from the sun, and still others misdiagnose as a more permanent form of depression and will prescribed Depression medication.  I have tried depression medication, I prefer an empowerment approach where I have more control, being that I am a control freak, this would explain my own approach.  This in no way implies anyone on medication is wrong, but I do challenge you to try these following options before making a definitive choice!  I LOVE Skeptics, but to make a true Skeptic, a healthy one is one that is educated and open minded!  I myself am a skeptic  currently and will always be.  It is smart to question and test theories, then judge for yourself!

The same light exposure from the Sun, and that I found helped me during my Tanning Bed experience is present in greater quantities through a Reiki treatment.  Only with Reiki there are NO negative side affects.  ZERO.  So there is nothing to lose and everything to gain from trying it.  A Reiki treatment is performed by an attuned Reiki Practitioner, on a treatment table/bed fully clothed for anywhere from 15 mins to an hour.  For more severe cases a full hour is recommended.  The process is very relaxing and you notice positive impacts immediately.  As time goes by through subsequent visits you begin to recognize when you need a treatment.  You will become so aware of how you feel day to day that you will start to feel when you need another treatment.  Some people may feel deterred by the repetitive nature and expense of this treatment, however it is no more so then refilling a prescription or purchasing a lamp and replacing bulbs.  Keeping in mind Reiki can be enjoyed with no conflicting reactions during a prescription or using a SAD lamp. for even greater and long lasting affects.  However if you are enjoying Reiki and you want access to that healing energy any time, get attuned yourself!  Having the atonement allows you to self treat not just for SAD but for any headache, upset stomach, sprained muscle, for you and now you can offer it to your family and friends!

Want to learn more about Reiki?  Contact Kerstin Kramer, owner of Natural Health Touch offering Reiki Attunement at Hybrid Hair and Detox Spa, our next Level 1 Class is this coming Saturday Jan 21st 2017 from 9-4.  To sign up call us at 519-886-8624 or contact Kerstin @ [email protected].

Crystals are incredible tools to combat SAD as well,  one of the best being the ‘SunStone’.  What makes crystals so effective is their molecular frequency.  Everything is made up of molecules, including us.  When pain dis-ease or imbalances occurs it is due to the interruption of frequency in the corresponding area.  Like tuning a piano, choosing a matching Crystal will, ‘re-tune’ or rebalance the affected area when worn close to or directly on the body.  Sensitive scientific frequency measuring tools are used to test these theories and have proved effectiveness.  Crystal classes are also available to learn more, including soon to be posted at HHDS for the basic understanding and use of these natural healing tools.  These too can be used in correlation with traditional medicines and approaches with no conflicting side affects, and they will expedite healing.

Essential Oils can play a role in your self care as well.  Citrus based oils and blends like ‘Joy’ from Doterra can boost your mood during the day and can travel easily in your purse for access whenever you need it.  Using essential oils should be careful and educated, some oils can only be used on the skin and infused into the air, others can be ingested, so having a class before use is recommended, or consulting with an Essential oil educator.  If your skin is sensitive using a traveler oil like coconut or olive oil is recommended.  This too can be enjoyed by the whole family and provides you with yet another option to support your traditional medical approach if you wish.  However make sure you share with your practitioner what oils you use as reactions to current prescriptions or new ones can happen.

Without decreasing the magnitude of health affects from physical activity, getting outside to expose yourself to as much vitamin D as you can this time of year, I wanted to expand your prospects with self empowering and self implemented tools that might not have been in your tool kits of Self Care options.  Now you can add more to your repertoire for you and your family!

Want to try Reiki or crystals in a service?  We offer both for just $1 a minute, book your Energy work service in between you hair and skin services or on it’s own, you won’t be disappointed!


We Are Re Locating!


Our New Home is #9 Cedar st W St Jacobs

As Of September 2 2016!

Our last day at our current location will be
Saturday August 27th, we will then be closed until the 2 of September when we reopen for those last minute back to school services!

We are SOOOOOOO Pumped to be joining the fun small town vintage vibe of St Jacobs!

We are excited to show you our new Brighter Space!

(We can even run for part of the day without lighting!)

For our loyal guests we are offering you 10% off your first visit to our NEW Location.

 Don’t forget to fill out a ballot while you are here pre booking your next appt in our new space too!

The draw will be October 1st for a Facial, Hair Cut, Manicure AND Pedicure!!

Same Eco Services!  Same inviting Green Family!


Our Google Earth Photo of our building (although slightly dated!),-80.5543373,3a,75y,147.81h,82.56t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sM2w6HOhA4hzIdlL8ObpAvQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1


Looking Forward to seeing you there!  Thanks for Supporting GREEN!

Tips Tuesday – What are you investing in?



Many things floated through my mind about what to write about in this weeks Blogg, and I realized all the themes were linked, as everything is.  It all flows back to, ‘What Are You Investing In?’.

I know longer have cable.  I have not watched the news in a very long time.  I always find out what is going on.  Always.  I won’t bore you with why I do not watch it other then to say, I do not feel it’s accurate and it leans too often to the negative.  What happens when any of us lean too far, too often, to the negative?  We perpetuate more negativity.  I personally do NOT want to invest that way.  I do not want ‘interest’ on my negative thoughts or feelings.

I have seen and heard of many sad events happening lately close to me and not so close.  Watching a young woman be verbally, emotionally and physically abused for falling in love with a boy not of her culture and religion, by her own family.  This isn’t the first time, I’ve seen it and heard of this before.  In varying degrees of extremity and aggression.  Hearing how a rapist is protected and supported by the courts, a woman left to spend her life recovering.  Watching a man of authority inflict fear, pain and manipulation to sexually and physically assault women and walk away with very little if any repercussion.  Watching human beings cut down during a seemingly typical fun Saturday night, for no other reason but for their sexual connotation.  But this isn’t new, this is old news, this has become common place like a disease, we like to think it’s just in a neighboring country but it’s here, as I mentioned with the earlier example, it’s in our town, our schools, our homes, our heads.

Typically many will start pointing fingers at an extremist group, a religion, a culture, a race.  But it is far more sinister yet far more basic then that.  It can be summed up in just a few words.  Intolerance, ignorance, hate, fear.  It was found in Cristopher Columbus when he raped and pillaged the peaceful native people he found when he discover the new land, it has been in every war in the name of religion or for power, ever domestic dispute, every random act of violence from stealing a purse to rape to murder.  It simply has different faces.  But it’s all the same underneath so why hate the face?  Stop looking at the surface, it’s underneath you too, in the swearing at the diver who cut you off to the gossip you tell behind a coworkers back to the bullying on the play ground, to the mental abuse you put yourself through every time you tell yourself yours stupid, incapable, fat, ugly, worthless and on and on and on….

daily news1

What Are You Investing In?  Do you choose to add to your own negativity with layers of invested energy focusing on self inflicted crippling thoughts and emotional scars?  Do you watch negative shows and news only to spread the news, and feed the fearful sensationalism propaganda?  Are you someone who turns a blind eye to a neighbor, child, spouse, parent doing something you know is wrong and allow it to build until one or many are hurt?  How do you begin to reign in the violence? Start with your own actions thoughts and behaviors, move on to acting out of peace, love and acceptance of others, ALL OTHERS.  If you see someone of YOUR race, YOUR culture, YOUR religion, YOUR beliefs striking out against others in a hateful way, DO WHAT IS RIGHT to protect others from violent acts, help your friend, loved one, neighbor by protecting them from themselves, report it, don’t turn a blind eye, or your hands too will be bloodied with the investment you made by a decision of inaction.

What are you investing in?  How do you choose to spend your money, your time, your life?  Every choice you make controls an outcome, even the choice not to choose.  You vote with your dollars, your habits, your decision to or not to vote.  You vote by raising your children in the environment you provide for them.  What do you see as your future balance?  Have you invested enough time in your health to live a strong healthy life with your grand or great grand children?  Have you invested in your relationship with your kids for them to want to come visit you when you are in a home?  Have you invested enough in ethical practises to lead your life as an example to tohers on how to honour and respect all life on this planet?  Have you invested enough in your fellow man/woman so that your deposite of love and accpetance onto others invests into an epidemic of colossal proportions that it takes on a healing lif of its own?  Have you invested in the understanding that with voting you DO have a say in the environment your country offers to be safe in and out of your ow home, local entertainment spots and schools?

With the closing remark, that in a peaceful world no weapon is lethal.  I am completely opposed to guns, yet, as sadly our next generation has displayed in record numbers of suicides, words can kill, and you don’t need a licence to speak.  What are YOU investing in?  I choose to invest in the future, future generation, future evolution, future peace.  Will you join me?

pic for IHL

Normally I would write a gratitude peace to our fathers for fathers day, and they should not be over shadowed by the grievous acts of radical behavior.  To my Father who voted just days before passing, I do hope our neighbors to the south will vote for a peaceful future this fall.  To our fore fathers I offer forgiveness for what they may have done in ignorance and fear, I also show gratitude for those who fell for us to enjoy peace.  To the Fathers Today may you raise tolerant, loving peaceful and respectful children of both sexes, this will not be a simple task, but I know you are up for the challenge!


Show your your love and gratitude with our amazing spring promos to encourage him to fill up his self care cup!

Happy Anniversary HHDS! KW’s 1st Eco Friendly Salon Spa and Energy Space!

happy anniversary

Happy 6th Anniversary Hybrid Hair And Detox Spa!


I am so Proud of us!  I must say I believe a lot of my personal strength was support in part by Elena Muscalu my ‘Green Family Mama’ and Facial Queen and of course my Husband, Chris Kiers for his unwaivering support mentally, emotionally and with hammer and saw with every reno I tortured him with!  My kids understanding and my sisters supportive passion have subsidized me when my own was low.

I will not lie, there have been tough times I didn’t think I could make it through.  But when I could look to no other for supplementary support what pushed me through was my Love for Mother Earth.  My commitment to my children, and their children’s future.  My passion for helping others and my commitment to bettering myself so I could prove to others that they too could persevere.

I am so grateful now for every adversity every learning curve every challenge because it made me realize every time I got back up that it really was my passion and my purpose in life to help the evolution of the industry and humanity.

I love what we do!  Our continued commitment to the environment and learning and growing in collaboration with others.  I don’t feel like I’m working when I do what I love!  Having added on the opportunity to educate more extensively through my new business The Institute For Harmonious Living, (  I have found a way to create greater awareness to the self care cause that connects us to all other things including the planet and all of its inhabitants.  As we evolve this year my focus is on greater self care acceptance by both sexes most specifically men and assisting them with embracing the importance and art of self nurturing experiences like facials, massages, manicures, pedicures and energy treatments, without judgment and or apology.  This perception should be embraced equally for men AND women.  I am excited yet again to unveil new safer and more local Canadian Made products this year as well!

Of course it wouldn’t be complete without celebrating our amazingly unique clientele!  I am so proud to have watched, against many advisers cautionary appeals about transitioning to our eco friendly concept, that our clientele is bigger, stronger and more diverse then ever.  Nothing gives me greater joy then to introduce someone to our unique space with our tour dedicated to our concept and commitment to the planet and safer experiences for the whole family. Or hearing a like minded new client showing unlimited gratitude for our very existence, Or introducing a client to a new energy, self care service or workshop experience to empower them and their loved ones.

I giggled a little when I realized I had passed our legitimate anniversary date of Jan 1st (opened Jan 1st 2010), but I realized I was lost in what I loved, which was planning the upcoming year, hiring new inspiring family members, meeting with my ‘Green Family’ (Staff) setting goals and celebrating successes,  while growing my other company IHL and enjoying last but certainly not least my family!  What better way to honor an anniversary then participating fully in what created it in the first place.

There are no words to fully capture my gratitude for this amazing experience, or for each one of you reading this blog..

But here goes,

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!


Tips Tuesday – The Mortality age gap, Men Vs Women, and why?

mens massage

There has been a theme to my rantings about how so many of us are not taking well enough care of ourselves.  It is so important that we do.  Our Mind Body and Emotions are all connected and they NEED self care to stay balanced, this is maintenance not pampering.  I have a theory, I believe it is Self Care that will be the Fountain of youth for many.  You see Men on average have died younger then women, and it is suggested this is due to the majority of men having been exposed to the rigors and stressors of full time work for generationaly longer then women.  What supports this is that as time has gone by Women have been closing the mortality gap faster and faster as more women are committing to more full time careers and exposed to the same stressors as men.  So while my theory of self care in this article specifically is directed at men, women too will benefit from it’s wisdom.

Interesting article here:


As the proud owner of K-W’s 1st Eco Friendly Salon Spa and Energy I witness many guests life struggles, stressors and celebrations.  Commonly women have been over the years more excepted in the spa setting.  This seems to be simply a cultural acceptance.  For some reason, men do not enjoy this same acceptance to forms of self care in this manner.  There is a stigma where ‘Manscaping’ might be considered high maintenance or too feminine for most testosterone bearing counter parts.  But why?  Programming, as a Holistic Life Coach, Energy Psychologist and Owner of The Institute For Harmonious Living I recognize the dysfunctional imbalance we have towards the sexes and their natural needs for nurturing.  Women traditionally are considered soft, weak, emotional, we expect them to show and share emotions, we tend to gravitate to each other to console and nurture. Men are taught to be rough tough, unemotional, don’t cry when you get hurt or look for comfort or you are considered a wimp.  Look how we have conditioned ourselves? Neither programmed belief is accurate.   Now as women step equally into the work force we have adopted the belief that to be in the ‘Man’s World’ we must adopt their behaviors of self numbing in emotion and self care.  Don’t get me wrong, I see women every day that suffer from every form of guilt you can imagine!  Mother’s Guilt, Working Guilt, Image Flaw Guilt, it’s crazy and therefore we tell ourselves we are not WORTHY of self care.  But I think you will agree that as our opposite sex roles become blurred we must look at what we are doing to support ourselves through this shift.  This way we will teach our next generation how to better maintain healthy mind, body and emotion awareness.

Lets look at what happens to our bodies with stress, many who follow this blog are familiar with Fight or Flight right?  It is a physical reaction that the body uses in cases of being under attack and releasing endorphins and hormones into the body that are only supposed to be there in case of lethal danger, but we live there voluntarily daily when we adopt stressful thinking and behaviours creating habits that trigger us all the time to react this way over and over.  This behavior is preventing the body to function normally and eventually leading the body to decay and create illness.  How do we combat this?  SELF CARE.  Self care allows the mind to stop its incessant negative chatter, relaxes muscles and allows good chemicals and hormones to flood the body with happy juice, allowing the organs to focus on their natural highly intelligent job of maintaining good health repairing and regenerating healthy cells, not being distracted with pretend dangers.  The skin is your largest organ.  Nurturing this organ with proper cleaning and moisturizing habits is no different then visiting the dentist and eating healthfully.  Pressure points under the skin can be activated through massage. reflexology and lymph drainage to assist the body in its effort to repair and detoxify.  The mind relaxes further and allows the emotions to balance allowing you to settle deeper into relaxation.  The mind is a machine and without constant supervision will create a reality you do not want.  By controlling the thoughts you control and improve your life experiences significantly.

I have invited several male friends to pop in for services to share with you their personal insight on self care.  Some had never had services like this before, others may have scoffed at it and still others were embarrassed to try it.  Luckily I know some amazing people who were willing to be part of my private study.  In the coming weeks I will share with you their feelings towards their self care experiences at HHDS.  I hope to encourage women too, to expand their regimens to more then just cuts colours and the odd nail treatments.  We have a couple amazing ideas for this year introducing opportunities for our guests to create a comfortable budget while maintaining proper self care and improving their life experiences.  Watch here for future testimonials and great promotional opportunities to sample wonderful self care services and improve your health!

See the following testimonials:

‘Okay Men!! Pedicures are not what you think they are. Imagine handing over the labor of tending to your toe nails to a professional. The Hybrid Hair & Detox Spa is THE place to go! I had the most amazing experience of my life! My feet felt absolutely amazing! Happy, happy feet!! smile emoticon You don’t have to hand in your Man card to enjoy this experience. You can even combine it with a Reflexology treatment for added benefits. Get an amazing hair cut afterwards by one of the many skilled hairstylists there. It is truly a magical place when you walk through those doors. Just go! ‘ ~Trevor S. Waterloo Ont 47 yrs

‘I went to Hybrid Hair and Detox Spa on Jan 6 2016, to get a hair cut, manicure, facial and pedicure.  When I first got there I was quickly greeted by warm inviting smiles by the staff in the salon.  I got a great hair cut which I really liked!! Next I went with Elena to get my aesthetic services done. The environment was relaxed and comfortable.  The people were very nice.  I will go back again in the future for sure.’ ~ Brett P. Mount Forest Ont 18 yrs



Archive Tips Tuesday 2014

Tips Tuesday – Product Use


Many people over use, or under nourish with the products they are using. Here are some tips to stretch your product and make sure you are using the right products. Keep in mind Salon Products like our HHDS Organics line in glass Mason Jars , Onesta, or Eufora are all organically derived, void of parabens, sulfates, artificial colours and scents and contain several other high quality ingredients too many to mention here. Many times they are more expensive due to the Fair Trade, organic or pure integrity of each ingredient in each product. Compare the seaweed scraped off the beech compared to seaweed found in the purest deepest areas harvested for higher quality products, this is the difference, less fillers, and detergent surfactants. Basically you get what you pay for, so word for the wise, if you love your hair, prove it! If you colour your hair, protect your investment!

If your hair is:

Brittle, Stiff or Naturally Curly Hair- You need tons of moisture! Even Deep conditioning treatments will help. Try HHDS Organics Lavender Love Shampoo and Conditioner or Onesta Hydrate shampoo and conditioner and for needier hair that is breaking or under a lot of stress use Super Conditioner in place of the conditioner and once in better shape, as a deep conditioner.

Fine Limp Hair – Don’t skimp on condition! Many of you don’t use conditioner, but wonder why it’s so fly away, there are conditioners available to you that will give your hair shine, manageability and won’t weigh it done like our HHDS Unscented Shampoo and Conditioner for Fine hair, or Onesta Volumizing Shampoo and Conditioner. Still nervous? Try the Quench Leave in spray from Onesta for light condition that is weightless and moisturizing.

Normal Hair – Not to be forgotten the normal hair crowd, we offer HHDS Peaceful Citrus Shampoo and Conditioner for a beautiful shine and appropriate amount of luscious moisture to maintain your perfect balance of health and most importantly comes without the waxes and silicones to give your hair and artificial coated feeling that many others give. Let your hair feel like hair because it’s in great shape and doesn’t need to be coated!

Thinning Hair – WOW! An awesome new option for Thinning Hair for just over $20 a bottle! a full treatment kit from Eufora is now available for you to help prevent more thinning and in some cases has proven to bring back lost hair follicles to their original healthy state! The kit is only $84.52

Lastly the most important thing to remember is the amount of product you need to use, less hair, less product, start with less add more as needed. Most shampoos and conditioners we use here at HHDS due to natural surfactants like coconut oils don’t have big bubbles like a lot of other detergent surfactants found in other products. Start with a nickel size of shampoo rub it in our hands, if you need more or less next time go ahead and adjust. Conditioners should be just a bit more then the shampoo and applied to ends first as the ends need it more and this avoids limp flat roots. Comb through your conditioner in the shower with a wide tooth comb, this prolongs your product. Stylers should be combed through to avoiding over use. Always rub shampoos, conditioners and stylers in your hands, then evenly distribute through your hair.

Enjoy an informative consult with your service provider for the products that would best meet your needs. Happy Hair, Happy You!

Tips Tuesday-Earth Week #2, The Three ‘R’s and a ‘U’

Earth 2

Tips Tuesday-Earth Week #2, The Three ‘R’s and a ‘U’

How have you celebrated our first Earth week? Any pictures to share, stories to tell? Well I’m excited to share that Cindy Pearce from Crystal Rainbows has collected 6 bags already with her family over the Easter Holiday! We are so looking forward to having her join our Green Family this May and sharing her many Holistic Healing skills with our guests.

Last week we discussed efforts to prevent inadvertent littering on garbage day, this week I wanted to share how we have managed to divert tons of garbage and recyclables from the local landfills and hopefully inspire you to look around your home to see what things you could Reduce, Reuse, Recycle or Upcycle! Yes we observe the 3 R’s …and a ‘U’.


– We use both sides of printed paper for note taking at our front desk

– We have reduced and or eliminated all toxins from our skin and haircare lines

– We have shrunk our carbon foot print by partnering with Green Circle Salons

– We have our salon more efficient per square foot,

– We use Clean energy from BullFrog energy


– WE have a refill program for all of our shampoos and conditioners refilling the plastic containers twice and our glass infinitely while offering our guests a discount as an incentive to participate in the program above and beyond the obvious benefits to all for doing so.

– In each Renovation we have reused all of our chattel preventing filling landfilss with perfectly good usable items and not having to purchase brand new to replace them

– We furnish the Salon and Spa with many items from the Re-Store and antique furniture stores.

– The products taken from the Salon from green Circle is reused to make furniture , eye glass frames, light fixtures and ceiling fans

– We use hand towels in the washrooms, washed with Eco Friendly, Biodegradable laundry detergent


– The producst taken from the Salon from green Circle is reused to make furniture , eye glass frames, light fixtures and ceiling fans

– We petitioned for recycling bins when we opened Hybrid at a previous location 5 years ago and did the same three years ago at our current location at which time no recycling containers were present at this building. All recyclable items of no further use to us are separated and placed in our recycling bins

– We have foiling mesh which we use for hilighting that can be reused


– We have taken furniture that no longer serves its purpose in it’s origin form and created new more suitably useable items out of the original. Like our candle fire place which in its original forma was an 8’x 4’ colour table and created a colour ‘Bar area and candle fireplace at our original location and since moved the candle fire place to the current location.

I have listed a few of our efforts in each area of awareness of the three ‘R’s and ‘U’, in order to inspire and motivate you to be creative in your upcycling options in your home, would a TV stand make a great desk? An old door a head board, an old desk an island in your kitchen? Can you do more to recycle or composting by putting individual receptacles in each room and labeling them for your family? Can you write to manufacturers’ to ask them to minimize their packaging so you won’t have as much to recycle? Could you not only vote or persuade with your purchasing dollars by buying items from conscientious manufacturers? Could you do more to support Green or Organic Business? Can you use pickle, jam and spaghetti jars for lunch containers instead of buying plastic containers, and bags? Could you sign up for BullFrog energy for your home?

None of this is necessarily ‘Easy’ some of it may be time consuming, a couple things more expensive, but most you will find is fun, money saving and fun in a creative and inspired way. Besides, can we afford not to?

“Ecology and Economy have the same root word, ‘eco’ which means ‘home’. But what we have done is elevate the economy above ecology” – David Suzuki

“The chameleon changes colour to match the Earth, the Earth doesn’t change colour to match the chameleon”

– Senegalese Proverb

“When the last tree has been cut down, the last river has been polluted, and the last fish has been caught, only then do you realize that money can’t buy everything.” – Amer.Indian

“Someone sits in the shade because someone planted a tree a long time ago” – Warren Buffett

Tips Tuesday-Earth Week

Tips Tuesday! You can’t and shouldn’t miss these of all Tuesdays Tips!

For the next two weeks our ‘tips’ will be referring to our Two week Garbage clean up Community Detox!

The fact that you are supporting our Green Business already speaks magnitudes of you as a human being! This creates awareness and strength to the Eco movement! But don’t stop there! Here will be a few tips on how you can be and share more Eco Awareness! Remember, where you spend your hard earned dollars is a form of voting to our Political Constituents. We are stronger together, let’s make our voices heard!

For the next two weeks our HHDS Green Family will be collecting garbage in our community and we ask for you to help us! We are keeping a running tally through out the Clean up so message us on Facebook and to [email protected] with your tally to add to ours! As an added bonus this year check out Amanda Weber’s Vibrant Living Wellness Center FREE ‘Detox your Brain’ for two weeks April 22 to May 6th as we clean out or ‘Defragment’ our inner world along with our outer world! We are intrinsically connected to our planet. By creating more awareness of self we automatically begin to acknowledge our connection to our planet and all things . The sign up page is here

The focus is on cleansing your brain, it is a gentle, food-based cleanse which will allow all participants to enjoy the benefits of a cleanse without the obligation to purchase any kits or supplements. We’ll focus on eating whole foods (recipes supplied!) and enjoy daily inspirational videos with guided meditations and mindfulness exercises all aimed at helping to increase your success! Video here

‘As Within So Without’ ~Hermes Trismegistus~

Much of the garbage flying around and ending their travel in our waters is from garbage day and recycling bins and garbage bins tipping over in the wind on garbage day!

Help out your Waste Engineers out to make their job easier, get more recycling bins if you have to and separate your paper, plastic and metals, by doing so you make their sorting easier faster and idling trucks minimize toxin expulsion. Also overflowing bins are targets for flying debris! On windy days or any day, cover each recycling bin with a piece of cardboard cut to fit the top of your bin (Cereal boxes broken down works well) and place a reasonably sized weight\rock on top. I have been known to place my garbage bags on top of the bins too to prevent garbage escape!

Please feel free to share with us unique ways you have come up with to prevent litter or any other form of Environmental thinking with us so we can share with our friends!! In closing please enjoy these thought felt comments from many wise Eco Leaders

“There is a way that nature speaks. Most of the time we are simply not patient enough, quiet enough, to pay attention to the story” -Linda Hogan, author

“I’ve got to do everything I can to make sure that my grandchildren don’t say to me,’Grandpa, you could have doen more.’” – David Suzuki

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.” –Chinese Proverb

“There is nothing in which the birds differ more from man than the way in which they can build an yet leave a landscape as it was before” – Robert Lynd

“One should leave their hosts home in the condition or better then when they arrived.” –My Parents
How are we fairing this task for the Earth? This last quote embodies this effort we must all consider…

“Like the trees, we are visitors, guests of the Earth.” – Kim Stafford

Tips Tuesday

#nails #skin care #Eco Friendly


Looking for healthier skin for the coming sun exposed months?

Proper cleansing and moisturizing of the skin is essential for glowing skin!  Healthy skin glows from the inside out without the need for concealers and foundations to over flaws.  Start with a gentle cleanser, RVB Holistics is a beautiful Organically derived skin care line with a cream cleanser for all skin types, it also doubles as a make up remover!  ALWAYS REMOVE your make up before bed.  Left over make up ages your skin and seeps deeper into your skin with little to no health benefits!  Besides who wants to wake up next to a racoon anyway!  After cleansing, a gentle toner for normal and oily skin, contrary to belief toners are not always recommended for all skin types year round!  Ask Elena what regimen works best for you.  Just before bed a beautiful RVB Serum can be smoothed over the skin, gracing your skin with much needed moisture, nutrients and a scent that leaves you floating on a cloud.  DONT FORGET THE DECOLLAGE!  Many women forget this delicate skin on the neck and chest!  Don’t find yourself years later with a flawless face and saggy neck and wrinkled chest, nourish it too! (**Hint always use an upward motion while cleansing and moisturizing)

In the morning don’t over cleanse, water and a wash cloth are enough to remove any light debris from the night before (and minimize over using your product), unlike bed time where you must remove the days dirt grime and make up!  Make sure you tone (if required) and always moisturize with either an day time spf 10 or a 24 hour moisturizer and then if you decide you need it, apply your make up.  We recommend Mirabella Mineral Makeup for added nutrients for your skin and natural zinc sun protection.

Put your best face forward this spring with RVB Holistics , Mirabella Mineral Make up and don’t forget 20% off Facial Fridays!

Tips Tuesday – Thank You!

Tips Tuesday – Thank You!

Well I feel the need to thank you all for your support and perseverance through a tough weather week and still assisting us with removing over 60 bags from our community streets, parks and walking trails!

I am SSSOOOOO proud of our Green Family for participating in our annual Community Clean Up!


Jenna Garbage 1— ELENA AND HER CREW!

Elena Garbage 1

Elena Garbage 2

I had noticed the weather had caused some interruption in our efforts to do our part, but luckily by the end of the week Mother Nature cooperated and gave us the opportunity to get out and make a difference!  We had lot’s of family friends and local schools help out too so way to go!!

This coming weekend is the annual community clean up for Clair Hills!  We are looking forward to helping out again!

Not only does it feel good to see a clean walking trail or park for everyone to enjoy but it feels good to be outside in the fresh air after a long winter!  And sharing this experience with our kids is invaluable!  It is up to us to instill in them the values and responsibility to our planet and each other.

I sat tonight talking to some family about local efforts to manage our garbage and recycling.  A main theme seemed evident.  Too many people are not doing enough, too many companies are not holding themselves accountable, and too many advertise being Green or Conscientious and it is simply ‘GreenWashing’.  What is Green Washing?  Finding a garbage and recycling receptacle requiring separation of refuse then looking in and seeing it all going into one garbage bag. Putting recyclables into blue bins and finding out it was redirected into landfills.  Having our refuse shipped elsewhere to become someone else’s problem.  What is the answer?  Well here are a few and I hope you will share some of yours!

Reuse as many packaging items as you can, boxes, bags, bottles, jam and pickle jars make great Tupperware!

Fix things instead of being so quick to replace them especially household appliances that are lrge and take up valuable landfill space

Purchase less things that you think will make you happier, things wont make you happy

Purchase items with less packaging

Make sure you  utilize all of the options at your disposal such as green bins and properly sorted blue bins

Cover your blue bins to insure your recycling doesn’t blow around

If you see someone ‘GreenWashing” call them on it.  They think no one notices

I would love to share some our great ‘green’ Ideas!  Please feel free to share on our facebook page!

Just  friendly reminder!  Kerstin is bringing in a knowledgeable representative for Electromagnetic Mats to Authentika studio on Marsland Drive this Wednesday evening!  Amazing opportunity to get more info and learn more about this incredible healing treatment option both at HHDS and in your very own home find out how!  FDA approved to increase bone density!  Call to book a seat 519-886-8624

Hey You! Yes You! Com’ere!


So Earlier this week I wrote  a letter to Mother Earth, well now it’s your turn!

Dear Human Race:

This Week HHDS participated in a community clean up.  How many bags of garbage have you collected?  Do you join your community on another date?  If so when?  and Thank You.  If not the rest is for you.

Why not?  What’s your excuse?  Tired?  Busy?  Dead?   HHHMMMM  That last one could pose a problem but the rest of you I call Bull$#!*.  Listen I get it, I have anywhere between 1-5 kids on any given day (Husband counts as one teehee) One Dog One Cat and a business, So I hear ya about being busy, BUT, Think about this for a minute.

This is an example I give my kids when they are negotiating whether or not to do their chores:

Imagine if Mother Earth Said,” Yeah you know what, I know you need water but I have a real important email to answer and I just don’t have the time…”


“Geez you’re hungry, well cant you make your own snack, I’m not going to be able to do that right now I’m busy spinning so….O you can’t make your own food, AHHH, well sucks to be you!!!”

Which brings me to another point!  Ever hear the expression don’t $#!* where you eat?  Um HELLO!  We dump all this ‘Crap” into our water, pollute our ground and are scientifically exploiting our ability to grow food.  So if YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT WHAT DOES THA MAKE US??  HHMMMM

Ok Ok, A little tough love here I know, and this usually isn’t my style but COME ON PEOPLE!  There is no excuse good enough to not get off your @$$ and get out in nature and show Mother Earth you deserve your ALLOWANCE!

On that I leave you with this lovely link to some positive Eco News which our 5:00 news never reports, I hope this inspires you to know we ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE!  Listen We spent one hour the other day picking up garbage and got 8 BAGS!  so even one hour makes a difference!  You can do it!  Grab your kids, you boyfriend, your dog, your self and get out there and be Mother Natures Hero!  RAH RAH GO YOU!!

Check out positive Eco News HERE!!





PACKAGE 1                             $200 includes





PACKAGE 2                             $300









PACKAGE 3                             $450












wedding hair

braid and band 2

Earth Week Celebrations! April 21-25

Hybrid Hair and Detox Spa Annual Community Clean up!

Come out and Help!

We are asking all of our Clients and Social Media Friends to participate in our annual community clean up!  Send us pictures of you and your family and friends picking up garbage!  Send us a tally of how many bags of garbage you pick up and we will add it to our tally!

Remember this is our planet for a short time, we are but stewards for our kids future planet, let’s give them the best start we can, giving then hope and inspiration!

Super Hero1

Great Earth Week Promos From April 21-25!

·         Book in on Tuesday or Thursday for Hair services with Erin and receive a 15 min complimentary Crystal Grid layout.

·         Book Thursday with Kerstin for a Reiki Session receive 30% off an Aroma Touch Massage.

·         Book a Manicure or Pedicure with Elena receive complimentary Reflexology.

·         Book any hair services with Jenna and receive a complimentary 10 min Aroma Touch shoulder massage.

·         Book any Hair service with Jes and receive a complimentary 15 min Crystal Grid Treatment

·         Book with Brenda on Wednesday and receive 30% off Reiki Intuitive When you book a Hypnosis session.

Tips Tuesday – Garbage Collection Begins! Rain, Snow, Sleet or Shine or all of the above!

Tips Tuesday – Garbage Collection Begins!  Rain, Snow, Sleet or Shine or all of the above!

Well My Girls and I headed out for our annual Garbage Collection for HHDS!

Poor Morgan had been picking up Garbage all day but I was thrilled to have her come out again with Olivia and I!

Earth Week Collection 1

This Picture was taken at the end of only one green space trail near our house!  THREE BAGS FULL!!

After what seemed like a long haul, only 1 hour later we had collected 8 bags!

Earth Week collection 2

Trudging up from a pond near our home, we had only one bag left to fill.

We had taken recycling bags and garbage bags, but most of what we picked up was recyclable.  The most we picked up was plastic water bottles.  With all the lovely glass options, let’s all try to completely stop using these bottles ok?  We were sad to find pockets of solo cups clearly left behind after fun gatherings, not so fun for us to pick up however.

I decided to write a quick apology note to Mother Earth, it goes as follows:

Dear Mother Earth

I am so very sorry that we have the nerve to create ‘things’ that cause you and your habitat illness and disease.  I apologize for the scarring we cause you in damaging your surface with digging for oil, carving out for mining and cutting down your trees.  I am so remorseful that we are poisoning your crystal blues lakes and steams.

I am embarrassed by our behaviour.  I hope you will forgive us.  I hope you will guide us to do what is right before it’s too late.

I vow right now to you that I will continue to do what I can to honour you and the gifts you so readily offer us.

I will write to you again, hopefully in a more joyous manner.

Again, Truly, Deeply, Sorry


Erin L Kiers

Tips Tuesday- This Seasons Trends!

Tips Tuesday- This Seasons Trends!

Good Morning my Lovelies!

I wanted to inspire your inner Flower child with some gorgeous new looks for Spring!  The latest trends are flower heads bands slung low on the forehead, natural make up and full luscious lashes!

So whether you are Doubling up..

headband 1

Rocking it out!

headband 2

Short and sassy!

headband 3

Or Big Bold and Bohemian Rhapsody!

headband 5

Headbands ARE the accessory of the season, why not kick it up a notch and do real blossoms for your wedding!!

WAIT!  Don’t forget the amazing braid options that continue to be a must have hair design!  Great for any occasion!

braid headband

And to frame perfectly the windows to your soul!  Lash extensions will be available starting this May at HHDS!  These long luscious beauties last 5 weeks and can be refilled for butterfly wing affects all summer long!

eyelash 1

eyelash 2


eyelash 3

And Natural make up add Seasonal glow to your look

natural make up

Put all this together and you get something like this!

Headband 6

Or this!

braid and band 2

braid and band 3

braid and band

And if you are DROOLING over these long locks, We install GREAT LENGTHS Hair extensions too!  Lasting 6-8 months you will have the tresses for braids and up swept styles to your hearts content!  Check out their gallery for fun extension ideas and colours!

So many exciting thing this spring!  Long Luscious, natural, flowers and braids!

Book today for these looks with safer products and more!



Weds Aprils 15th Kerstin Kramer offers more info on Electromagnetic Therapy, FDA approved to regrow bone! From 7-8 only $10!

This Saturday April 18 Brenda Schrader-Sanders Offers you an opportunity to enhance your natural Intuitive Guidance with her class, Intuitive Guidance!  From 12-2:30 learn new ways to improve your abilities to read energy!  Only $40!

Plan ahead!

Wanting your Level 2 in Reiki?

Kerstin Kramer offers you this intunement Saturday April 25 from 9-5 only $150 with a $10  deposit to hold your space

And Last for April Learn Feng Shui with Brenda Schrader Sanders Thursday April 30th from 6:30-8 for only $45

Sign up today with your $10 deposit!


Check here for future classes!

Tips Tuesday – Guest Blogger Sherri Dmyterko

Tips Tuesday – Guest Blogger Sherri Dmyterko

What’s in your emotional backpack? Just as we take care of our bodies by eating right and using products free of harmful chemicals, it’s equally important to consider how our thoughts affect our overall well-being.

I’m proud to be a part of the Hybrid Hair and Detox Spa team, where I work with clients to balance the energies of the body. In my energy healing sessions, I help a client to let go of emotional baggage that is weighing them down. Often people comment how they will feel lighter and happier after a session. I see toxic emotions as blackness in the body, and my healing techniques allow you to effortlessly unwind from anger, sadness, fear and stress.

What can YOU do right now to start your own emotional detox? The easiest thing is to get outside and go for a walk in nature, and leave the electronics at home. Rather than jamming in those earbuds, take the time to stroll down one of our many amazing trails and listen to the songbirds, the breeze blowing through the branches, and the soothing sounds of water bubbling in the creeks and rivers.

Take a few minutes and find a rock or a bench to sit down on and simply breathe in that fresh Spring air. Ask the Universe to take away your stress and lighten your load.

Emotional health and physical health go hand in hand.

If you’d like to read more about me, visit


“I love Sherri’s reference to Nature and finding balance and healing by immersing yourself in it.  I also love how she refers to the necessity to detoxify and clean up on the inside!  During the week of April 21-25 we are participating  in our Annual Official Community Clean Up (I say official because we all do it year round but this is the only week we challenge each other and our friends and guests to really get out there and kick off the Earth Maintenance effort for the year!)!  Detoxifying our outside environment will help to detoxify you and your families inside environment detoxify by spending time outside with your family! Join us for Earth week and all the fun we would love to share with you!  Keep posted here for our weeks promotions and activities posted soon!

Check out our workshops coming up in the next two weeks!  This Thursday April 9th from 6-8 is Hypnosis for Transforming your life with Brenda Schrader!  Only $10 deposit to save a seat and pay the balance $60 at the time of your class.  Also Weds April 15th Enjoy insight on what Electromagnetic Therapy is and how it can change your health and your life!  Amazing for Bone density increase, a great option for anyone with old injuries or osteoporosis.  On Saturday April 18th  Sharpen your intuitive ability with Brenda Schrader-Sanders’ Intuitive Guidance Class Only $10 Deposit and Pay the balance of $30 at the time of your class.  Call us to book for a workshop or book an appointment with any of our amazing service providers including Sherri Dmyterko, our latest addition!


Erin Kiers

Earth 2

Archived posts you will LOVE, tips and advice!

Tips Tuesday

What’s better Shaving or Waxing?

Many myths surround the concept of waxing versus shaving, one is the belief that the hair grows back thicker and darker.  This is definitely true of shaving as the process of shaving is the action of cutting the hair off mid shaft. This causes each shaft of hair to have a blunt end that then grows out of the skin thicker and stronger, sometimes darker.

Waxing however pulls each hair out of the hair follicle which is to say that it is removed from the skin completely, causing the hair to have to re-establish itself and sometimes damaging the papilla permanently over time.   This can prevent future hair growth.  When the new hair grows in it is young and weak and therefore softer, thinner and sometimes lighter in colour.  The new hair is easier to remove making it less painful during subsequent visits.

So I suppose the answer is based on your individual likes and dislikes.  Shaving is sometimes more convenient,  and cheaper, but the regrowth is instant and maintenance tedious, the results short and scratchy!  many semsitive skin types prefer waxing as shaving can cause unsightly razor burn.  Waxing is more painful at first, but the smooth results last 4-6 weeks depending on your personal hair growth speed.  Be sure to use a loofah or other exfoliating scrub on waxed areas as the hair acts as a route for sebaceous oils to excrete from the skin, once the hair is removed, the oils get trapped inside the skin and can cause bumps and in grown hairs, so scrub that waxed area to allow for free regrowth to come through uninhibited.  The regrowth is virtually  undetectable and if you prebook your appt,  every Wednesday wax day is 10% off all waxing and 50% of Brazilians!





Tips Tuesday

Preventing Hair Amputation!

This time of year is notorious for fragile brittle ends of your hair!  Long or short, hair is pummeled by the transition from Hot indoors to Freezing outdoors!  Hair cuticle, like your skins pores, opens and closes with heat and cold.  The wind and dry air also dry out the hairs ends, this causes a perfect environment for damage ends.  If you haven’t been upping your moisture regimen during the winter, which is advisable, Spring is the time to remedy the situation.  BE CAREFUL WITH THE OILS!  Everyone is crazy about oils!  Coconut, Aragan, Grapeseed, etc!  But don’t forget the reaction between oil and water\moisture!  If you are lathering on the oil, you might find your hair getting dryer!  Just use oils in moderation and don’t think it replaces essential moisture because it doesn’t.  Hot oil treatments included!!  if you have naturally curly dry hair make sure you use rich moisturizing Shampoos and Conditioners. Make sure you add a deep conditioning treatment once a month.  I use Super Conditioner from Onesta EVER TIME I shampoo and condition because I have very dry hair and it prevents it from being brittle and fly away.  Lavender Love Shampoo and Conditioner from the HHDS organics line is good too.  ALWAYS comb your conditioner through in the shower, it evenly distributes your conditioner and minimizes how much you need to use.  This makes your hair more manageable and shiny.

In the end Spring is the perfect time to trim those dry ends and try a fresh new look, a couple inches is NOT considered an amputation, from mid back to shoulders might be in order to deal with the split ends that have spread up the hair shaft due to under nourishing treatment of your hair so make sure you pour on the moisture!  We have been posting some fun spring and summer looks on our facebook page!  Make sure you get on there  to look! And if you are eager for a flirty new look, bring a picture in and we  will transform your tresses to the envy of all!



Winter Blues Remedy!

Feeling blue?  Often affected by the lack of exposure to the sun during these extreme winter months?  This is commonly known as SAD.  This is a very serious deficiency of vitamin D that impacts your daily life and can have extreme negative affects on your professional and personal life.  Difficulty waking in the morning, restless sleep, gloominess and moodiness, lack of energy and negative thoughts.  Some people have found relief with specialty lamps or vitamin supplements, others need more support.

At HHDS we offer Mind Body and Spirit Personal Nurturing.  From head to toe, inside and out, we can make you feel and look like a million bucks!  Whether you suffer from sever SAD or simply feeling a little depleted and need a top up of positive energy, energy treatments like Reiki, Shamballa and Celtic Reiki will provide the shot of balancing energy you are looking for.  For more extreme cases, one hour treatments pre booked anywhere between weekly to monthly appointments can have staggeringly positive impact on this serious disorder.  In less severe cases we recommend paying attention to your own well being and booking in for a treatment when the urge prompts you.

Energy treatments have more positive side affects then just treating SAD, I encourage you to look up some miraculous claims energy treatments offer.  To demystify the experience, these treatments are offered fully clothed while lying on a treatment table or in a chair, can last between 15 minutes to 1 hour.  The energy treatment practitioner can either place their hands at the sight of each energy point or ‘Chakra’ on the body or can hover their hands over the body, depending on the clients comfort level.  The whole experience is calming, de-stressing and VERY relaxing.

We boast several options of self care treatments for your hair, skin and energy levels.  We encourage you to have fun sampling our ample menu of nurturing experiences that are essential for your over all well being.



I’m engaged and so excited to plan my wedding day look. Is there a rule about wearing my hair up or down? 

This day is all about you, and the last thing you want to stress about is your wedding day look. We have a few bridal packages to offer, If you check out our website.

These are awesome packages to consider because they give you the chance to consult with your stylist, and make-up artist, and also pamper you before your big day. We have thought of everything you need to prep for your day in each package.  It’s important for a stylist to have a good idea of the theme of your wedding, romantic, sophisticated or funky.  You also want to have a style that best compliments your dress! Bring in a picture of your dress, and we’ll sit talk about a hairstyle that will look most fitting with your dress and reflect the theme for your big day while considering your personal style. In the end, there is no rule when it comes to how your hair should be done; it’s your day!

BONUS TIPS: Don’t forget to book your appointment for Wednesday Wax Day and Facial Friday. Good appointment times still available!


I’m going to Prom this year and I want to get my hair and makeup done. How soon should I book my appointment and what do I have to do to make sure I get the look I want?

Prom is a very special event, but it also coincides with another big season – Weddings!

Once you find out the date or your prom, it would be ideal to book your appointment as soon as possible. This is a positive gesture to guarantee your spot in our schedule. We offer a consultation and trial service, which could be scheduled prior to the prom date to discuss the look you want to achieve. At this appointment, it would be recommended that you bring in pictures and describe what your favorite features are about the styles. This way the stylist and esthetician can communicate with you about your service, and also input their ideas to achieve your desired look for your prom. Keep an eye on our website where there are monthly promotions and package deals!