Many people who are aware of HHDS being the first Eco Friendly salon, spa and energy space. Whenever we offer a tour to our new clients we explain the following:
Welcome to HHDS! Kitchener Waterloo’s First Eco Friendly Salon Spa and Energy space
We offer full hair , skin and energy services in a safer atmosphere for you, our staff and the planet. The following products and services will explain how.
We use Eufora hair care products which uses 70-80% certified organic Aloe gel, instead of water, as their product base. So, this really allows the products to heal and renew the cells on your scalp and hair. Aloe also is a natural preserving agent. The products are also infused with botanical ingredients and pure essential oils, and contain no harmful chemicals. The company who manufacturers it boasts a zero foot print impact on the planet!
HHDS is our own label for shampoos and conditioners. We’re proud to say it is Canadian made and uses certified organic and fairtrade ingredients, and being that they are in glass jars, infinitely refillable for only $18. We offer an unscented shampoo and conditioner in this line. Not only are our products organically derived but they boast no parabens, sulfates, artificial colours or dyes.
We are excited to launch Worlsd Hair Care line which contain natural organic ingredients, are left as unaltered as possible, virtually no scent AND it’s Canadian!
Our polish line, Zoya, is the longest wearing natural polish there is. It’s a 4-free , toluene, formaldehyde, DBP and Camphor free vegan formula and does not contain the harsh chemicals typically found in nail polishes. Stainless Steel Bowls with no jets in the pedi area provide Bacteria free worry free indulgence.
Most recently added is Holistic Energy healing services and certification programs, like Crystal Grid Therapy, Reiki and Shambala, Reflexology, Electromagnetic Therapy, Body Talk, Holistic Life Caching and Energy Psychology.
Our Mineral Make Up line is proudly Canadian!. We love FitGlow because it’s a mineral make-up, so there are no biological ingredients in the formula, which means there’s also no need for preservatives. It’s also a natural UV protector due to the content of Zinc.
We use the RVB Holistic products on the face and body. Similar to our other product lines, RVB does not contain harmful chemicals-they have found a way to bind the water molecules to the other ingredients- because the free water molecule in a product are what causes bacteria. So by doing this they are able to use less preservatives, and the ones they do use are fruit & vegetable derived. And their ingredients are Fair Trade certified organic.
Here, you can see our colour line, by Anew. Anew is great because you can colour your hair without being afraid of damaging it. It uses natural pigments and antioxidants to prevent damage, it’s ammonia free, and it contains Quartz powder, which actually encourages a really healthy shine. All of this means healthier safer hair services with no fumes and sensitivity on the scalp!
We like being able to multi-use our zones, to reduce our footprint as much as possible. We are truly Loyal to our environment and our guests not a brand so if we find something safer to use in our space we switch out after we test it for effectiveness. We use our refillable glass jars in the back as well have re purposed furniture and items from the REstore to reduce our footprint too! notice our compost and burlap bag hair receptacles there- Because we’re a part of the ‘Green Circle Salons’- instead of dumping our waste in the garbage, they pick up our leftover foils and hair clippings, and deliver them to manufacturers of eye glass frames, furniture, light fixtures and ceiling fans. We run on Bullfrog energy as well, which is all wind and solar derived energy. We also use Norwex and Enjyo cleaning products in our space.
We really like to support the community- so every year we choose a school to donate a tree to. Every April during Earth week we participate in a Community garbage clean-up. So we hope you’re just as excited as we are about supporting the community and the environment and using the best natural products out there!
We make this general knowledge not just to prove our commitment but to encourage others to do everything they can to become more mindful of their impact on the environment too.
The following tips were taken from the Nature Conservatory site, Check it out here and learn how you can support them and ensure safer water for all! http://www.nature.org/ourinitiatives/habitats/riverslakes/help/
- Run washing machines & dishwashers only when they’re full. Large loads = less water used. And save energy by turning off the auto-dry setting and letting your dishes dry naturally.
- Keeping a timer in your bathroom will help you take a shorter shower. And please turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth. All that perfectly clean tap water is just going down the drain.
- Turn off lights and unplug chargers. Water is used in all forms of energy generation. It can take over 4 gallons of water to keep a 60-watt light bulb lit for 12 hours.
- Use biodegradable cleaning products. The water that goes down your drains will eventually flow into streams and bays.
- Skip meat for one meal a week. It can take about 600 gallons of water to produce a hamburger. (Think of all the grain that’s grown to feed the cattle.)
5 Simple Things You Can Do Online
- Use social media to spread the word about the need to save water and save our water sources. Challenge your friends to match the actions you take.
- Find out where your water comes from and urge others to do the same. Knowledge is power.
- Use social media to ask your favorite brands what they’re doing to reduce their water use and their impacts on water sources.
- Donate to support a community project that helps protect water for people and nature.
- Take our water pop quiz! Don’t worry; it’s more fun than the SATs. Knowing more about your water source and consumption habits will make you a stronger steward for water conservation.
5 Simple Things You Can Do Outside
- Plant a tree in your yard or a friend’s yard. Trees help keep soil in place – rather than flowing into our streams and lakes – and help slow water down, reducing flooding and enabling more rainwater to trickle down into groundwater supplies.
- Take these steps to reduce your impact when it comes to your own yard and lawn:
- Water your lawn or garden in the morning or the evening when the water will evaporate less rapidly. Adjust sprinklers to avoid the pointless watering of sidewalks or paved areas.
- Sweep patios and sidewalks rather than hosing them, which wastes water and carries contaminants into freshwater systems.
- Limit pesticide use. Pesticides are the only substances we intentionally introduce into our environment to kill living things, and besides being potentially dangerous to people, pets and wildlife, they’ll eventually be carried into our freshwater supply by runoff.
- Make sure your hiking gear is free of plant matter when you head out into nature. Seeds of invasive plant species can hitch a ride on boots. Invasive species can cause many water problems, including absorbing more water than native species and sending erosion and bacteria into rivers and lakes.
- Volunteer for a stream-clean up or wetland restoration event.
- Take someone on a hike near a river or lake – or better yet, get in or on the water – swimming, kayaking, canoeing, etc. People protect things they care about.
Who better the David Suzuki to explain how we must not take for granted access to clean water:
Enjoy World Water Day and make it a daily refrence for you and your family!
From Erin and all of our HHDS Eco Stewards!