Tag Archives: live greener

Tips Tuesday – How to become Plastic Free!


If you are like me and you are wanting to become Plastic Free, then this list is for you!  Some of it is pretty straight forward other items I hadn’t thought of yet! Clearly as a family and for HHDS we have been promoting this for a while, especially with our refillable mason jars for shampoo and conditioner.  I love this list and will post 25 more new tips each week for the next month!   Check it out!

Top Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste

    1. Carry reusable shopping bags.

    2. Give up bottled water.

      Grocery Shopping
    1. Shop your local farmers market.

    2. Say “no” to plastic produce bags.

    3. Buy from bulk bins as often as possible.

    4. Cut out sodas, juices, and all other plastic-bottled beverages.

    5. Buy fresh bread that comes in either paper bags or no bags.

    6. Return containers for berries, cherry tomatoes, etc. to the farmer’s market to be reused.

    7. Bring your own container for meat and prepared foods

    8. Choose milk in returnable glass bottles.

    9. Buy large wheels of unwrapped cheese.

    10. Try to choose only wine bottled in glass with natural cork stoppers.

    11. Let go of frozen convenience foods.

    12. Give up chewing gum.


Eating and Drinking on the Go

    1. Carry your own containers for take out food and leftovers.

    2. Carry a stainless steel travel mug or water bottle at all times for coffee and other drinks while out in the world.

    3. Carry reusable utensils and glass drinking straws.

    4. When ordering pizza, say no to the little plastic “table” in the middle of the pizza box.

    5. Treat yourself to an ice cream cone.

       Lunch Time at School or Work
    1. Keep your own reusable foodware at the office.

    2. Carry lunches in reusable stainless containers or cloth bags.

    3. Choose reusable cloth sandwich/snack bags.

       Kitchenware & Food Storage
    1. Choose glass/stainless steel food storage containers, and reuse what you have.


    2. Learn to preserve foods without plastic.

    3. Avoid non-stick cookware.

      Now I understand this can be an overwhelming task!  Some of us have lots of plastic in our homes still and like me maybe don’t want to fill a landfill with our old plastic containers or portable drinking cups.  I hear ya!  I plan on utilizing mine until they are no longer effectively useful, however that doesn’t mean I can’t be more conscientious  with future purchases.  And so goes my plan!  How will you reduce your families plastic consumption?  Will you go cold turkey or gradually transfer?  If you get rid of all your plastic from the start, what will you do with it to be more conscious of what happens to it next?

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