Tag Archives: peace

Tips Tuesday -Know When to Reach Out


I have noticed many people feeling stressed, overwhelmed and suffering high anxiety lately.  Some of you might say, that’s nothing new, but statistics are showing increases in every area, suicides in every age group, increase in mental health leave in work places. more violent aggression towards others in our communities, we have reached a breaking point.  Reaching out for help from places like ours is a sign of strength not weakness, you empower yourself and in turn those around you!

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Hybrid Hair and Detox Spa is all about providing our guests with a ‘Safe Place’ to give themselves permission to enjoy self care, and increase the knowledge base in many alternative medicine treatments, as well as eco friendly full hair and skin services.  We expect people in overwhelm, we welcome them eagerly.  We accel at assisting others with decreasing their stress, anxiety and overwhelm.  But we know other people too, many amazing certified alternative medicine practitioners and we can connect you with their skills!  We encourage our guests to ask questions, and give themselves permission to explore alternatives in passive and active treatment for mind, body and spirit self healing approaches.


Peace starts within you, each one of us has the responsibility to do what we need to, to chill out and find our zen on a regular basis.  For some that might be yoga and meditation, others massage and a hair cut, others, hiking and facials, I don’t care what it is, but what you MUST understand is that if you choose not to  you WILL pay a heft price.  Your health will decrease more rapidly, you will age faster, you will have a shorter life span, you will not be as effective or efficient at work or at home, you will be short tempered and low on energy, you will have more bouts of fear, anxiety and or depression, and you WILL affect negatively, EVERYONE around you.  Here is the kicker, you see chaos around you and you want to fight it!  You want to make it stop, you can’t by putting more effort outside yourself.


The only way you can influence others to become more peaceful and calm, more loving and kind is to be that first yourself.  Sounds easy but it isn’t, without self care and filling your own cup first , learning skills and tools to heal yourself first you couldn’t possibles take on the task of positively influencing others.  But start acting as a leader and teaching by example how peaceful practices produces a peaceful environment and watch how everyone around you benefits!

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Want to learn how to start?  Book in a Free 1 hour first session with me for Holistic Life Coaching and we will get you started in empowering yourself with skills and tools to support you for the rest of your life! Call now for your first FREE SESSION! 519-404-6627

Looking Forward to Meeting up with you!