Tag Archives: Living in the moment

Tips Tuesday – Patience


Ever just want to jump ahead to the good part of a book, or movie?  Or just want to get past the work of setting up the party and just get down to getting down!  Sometimes we want to just find someone else to do the tough stuff so we can enjoy the fun.  BUT we wouldn’t be able to enjoy the satisfaction of the job well done.  Nor would we be the wiser for the all the lessons we might have learned in the challenges we might face while doing the work.  This applies to EVERY area of our lives. We can’t skip ahead no matter how bad we want to.  When I was a kid I wanted to grow up so fast, not sure why, maybe it was the freedom I thought adults had, or the money LOL.  But either way I wanted it now, and to go faster.  Now I seem to have trouble slowing things down!  I wish I had a pause button or rewind to appreciate the times I rushed through with little or no appreciation that now seems the happiest moments of my life.  I have since rectified this habit-o-mine

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We can learn from this now, right now in the now.  Slow down.  What, if anything, do you want, need, aspire to in this moment.  Not the next.  this will allow you to impregnate (sorry for the squrimish image) each moment with purpose and actually slow things down to enjoy it more.  Showing gratitude for the now actually makes each moment better, less like work, so that we are not always seeking happiness and satisfaction in the next moment.  It also dissolves anxiety as it is induced by an inexhaustible dissatisfaction with our current situations.  It gives you time to review what you really want to change, how to improve and what you need to do to accomplish it.  Jumping ahead may get you to the next thing faster, but it’s not as full, not as precious and only gets you to the finish line faster, and when we recognize the finish line is our physical end, is that what you really want?  Remember, it’s in the journey not the destination!  Learn to embrace that and you will embrace the secret to happiness!

live in the moment